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Ditch the NHS for private health care

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I don't understand why people subscribe so vehemently to the notion that private is the equivalent of efficient and effective, that competition leads to improving service?


How many examples of this NOT being the case do you need?


I really don't fancy the idea of profiteering health staff, for whom the shareholder comes before the patient.




2009 census data from the US suggests that 9.9% of under 18's have no medical insurance. 15% of teh population nationally - 46million people.


Why would this situation be any different in the UK? Or are we to assume that those without insurance are feckless halfwits without the common sense to sort themselves out?


MJ Scuba - I wonder if you have made the mistake of identifying your personal experience as a trend.


Appreciate what you're saying Sharrowman. Full privatisation may not be the answer and as you have rightly pointed out there are examples where it has failed. I do think we need to stop looking at the NHS like a symbol of national pride and like it's something sacred - it isn't and it mucks up big style sometimes. What's wrong with wanting things to be better? If we were to get to a better service using private provision, doesn't the end justify the means?

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MJ Scuba, sure the system could be better, couldn't argue with that. But I am not convinced that going private will make for a better system.


Sure, if you can afford it, you can get top notch treatment in no time at all. If you haven't got the pennies, you can get a plaster. Is that a better system? or do you assume that because you thuink it would be better for yuo it would be better for everyone?

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We should have a NHS for working people only. The rest can set themselves up with their own private system.:)



So all the people who are too ill or disabled to work should be denied health care. Brilliant.


Mind you, that's how a private insurance system would work too. Anyone with a pre-existing or unfashionably chronic condition would be least likely to get a good insurance deal, or even rendered uninsurable altogether.

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The irony here being that if the treatment is available in the UK, they wouldn't need to raise money at all. Would they?


Many of these mysterious treatments ARE available in the UK but the NHS does not believe that they are safe or worthwhile. It sickens me when the vulnerable are exploited .

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This is an interesting article about NHS patients being referred to a private clinic on Harley Street, posted today on the BBC.




Firstly, how come the mammoth NHS that we all pay in to isn't the first to have one of these machines?


Secondly, perhaps this is the kind of setup we should embrace. There isn't a need for us to carbon copy the US or European systems, we could have our own unique solution of sourcing private sector services for NHS patients, paid for by the NHS, where they can provide a better service (or even one the NHS can't provide).


The NGH had one of these scanners in operation there very recently.

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We should have a NHS for working people only. The rest can set themselves up with their own private system.:)


So.......... sick people who are unable to work wouldn't get care on the NHS, children and babies, the elderly, the unemployed and the disabled won't get care from the NHS.

I would hazard a guess that you are in employment at the moment?

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