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Bye bye ASBO, bye bye

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I don't understand Mr Williams, explain "what a little "Education" can do".


Belt some sense into anyone who's causing problems.


A good kicking for, say a burglary, and no criminal record gives a kid a chance to change. Communities policing themselves - as they have done for thousands of years.

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Belt some sense into anyone who's causing problems.


A good kicking for, say a burglary, and no criminal record gives a kid a chance to change. Communities policing themselves - as they have done for thousands of years.


And who exactly would do the kicking? Won't that just make them more tough skinned and resentful (bad combo) in the long run?

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ASBO's are about to go into scrappage. Apparently they don't work.





Your ideas for a replacement or is there another way that avoids criminalising huge numbers of people?


they never worked i know someone who has had 7 never stopped him behaving the way he does

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And who exactly would do the kicking? Won't that just make them more tough skinned and resentful (bad combo) in the long run?


Those affected by the crime...grandson of the old dear whose been burgled etc.


I'm not saying that's how it's going to be but if we're getting rid of red tape and asbos etc and getting back to community justice then the obvious point to start from is if you cause trouble in neighbourhood that neighbourhoods physically fit men kick the crap out of you and you learn not to mess about.

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etting back to community justice then the obvious point to start from is if you cause trouble in neighbourhood that neighbourhoods physically fit men kick the crap out of you and you learn not to mess about.


When did we ever have that sort of community justice?

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What we need is zero tollerance policing! It's the fact that the police don't enforce the law that lead to the government at the time, Labour, to introduce a whole heap of new laws that were already covered by previous laws and neither are enforced.....probably because the prisons are full. Breach of the peace & noise abatement orders have work just fine for years (when enforced). Another successful tool for peoples behavoiur with council properties was the threat of eviction.....where's that gone?


We don't need ASBOs as they are just 'badge of honour', we need something like "PEOPLE who are EDUCATIONALLY & EMOTIONALLY DEFICIENT ORDERS" or PEEDOs for short. Lets see the non-conformists use them as a badge of honour then! Him across road he's a PEEDO! We need an order people will avoid getting at all costs...not join a flippin club!


ASBOs take away the responsibility for policing from the police to the citizen (via diaries, incident logs blah blah blah). If that's what they want great.....but they may live to regret the consequences. I say put the onus back onto the police to...well police.

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Those affected by the crime...grandson of the old dear whose been burgled etc.


I'm not saying that's how it's going to be but if we're getting rid of red tape and asbos etc and getting back to community justice then the obvious point to start from is if you cause trouble in neighbourhood that neighbourhoods physically fit men kick the crap out of you and you learn not to mess about.


Do you have any proof that kicking the crap out of people reduces crime? Won't this put unnecessary strain on the NHS?

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