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The bravery of giving birth

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I almost woke the whole house laughing at that one.


I was present at my daughters birth, I am still traumatised by seeing my partner so out of it at one point, and in sheer agony during others. Going through that whole situation changes your life and gives you a deep respect for what women go through, we men go through nothing even remotely close to the pain of that, and this is coming from someone that's had a twisted man plum and has a cut up his cactus bag the size of a 3 year olds zip up coat.


I salute thee o mothers of humanity..now can you stop getting pregnant so we can have enough food to eat? :D cheers.


I think that it must be very distressing for men to see their partner in so much pain.

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I had the M.I.L and the O.H with me during labour. I kept asking for one of them to take over. I didn't eat or sleep for over 24 hours, I didn't think you could eat :(. It is an exhausting thing to go through.... especially with a midwife who decides she wants to check how dilated you are and shove's her hand up your hoo hah without being prepared..... damn her to hell!!!! But when you get that first glance of your baby and their little chubby fingers grab yours and they gaze at you with their big brown eyes all the pain is forgotten and it's all good!

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I have given birth twice and both were very different experiences.

The first, my labour started naturally after going overdue and was very long and slow. I actually went from being in labour to not... to being in labour again after I had some morphine I think it was for the pain, and after having an epidural the moment I was in 'established labour' (4cm is it?), it was another 12+hrs until my beautiful baby arrived in the world. This was after starting in labour Sunday AM.. until her birth Tues afternoon. Scary too as, as many of you ladies will know babies get distressed when they are working hard to come out and not getting anywhere quick and when it's heart rate starts dropping and more people come in the room you panic... I hadn't been checked for a while and wasn't due to be checked again (for dilation).. something I never understood because every woman is different and, as mentioned in another post by someone, you can go from 6cm to 10 and ready to go quickly! MW didn't think I was ready to go and didn't check until instructed to do so by a Dr and hey presto I was. Despite being numb I knew I was ready before they did- I call it mothers intuition :). Exhausted is not the word then to have troops of people coming for a look a few hours after- well, I can't even remember half of it I was that tired. Then to lose the ability to wee and have to be catheterised and kept in hospital until your damn body starts playing again is was awful, as was the stinging from the old vag every time I needed a pee (cue cold flannels and/or a jug of cold water), and the constipation, oh the constipation... I dunno how anyone who has it regular copes, it was worse than bloody labour, awful feeling!

2nd time I was induced and the labour was a lot quicker and more intense, I managed on G&A for a fair while (something I hated and that made me feel sick first time round)... it was awesome :hihi: , again I couldn't stand the pain and had the epidural and progressed that quickly that when the OH nipped out for a sandwich he almost didn't make it back in time 'cause again I went from not ready to ready in such a short space of time. Birth was easier as I had more energy and I didn't graze or tear (not sure what this says about my nether regions, mind!)... I again had trouble weeing after but it fixed itself soon enough and off home we went the next day, armed with another beautiful baby.


I wouldn't swap it, or them, for the world. It kind of makes me sad I'm not going to have any more, despite the fact I hate being pregnant but I am lucky to have these two terrors. I liked labour too, despite the above... strange.

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Giving birth :gag: Just the first mention of it makes me want to faint. I'm obviously not a beautiful, incredible and brave woman, but who'd want to be when the end result is an ugly, bald little monkey? You do realise that pregnancy is all very well, childbirth ditto, but then (obviously) there's a BABY at the end of it, who will never, ever, EVER stop whinging and wanting stuff until you die, and even then they whine that you didn't earn enough for it's inheritance. God I cannot bear the thought of having a child. Simply cannot bear it. It's not brave epiph, it's moronic. I think you may be confusing the two. :hihi:


Quite. It is not something I would do again...not for all the money in the world.

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You're obviously very good at it. I tend to listen to TalkSport and run through my schedule for the week when I'm in the process of possible conception :|


You should try listening to the shipping forecast, I've never managed to get past German Bite, although I do spend a lot of time on Dogger. ;)

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