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Please help.. libel or slander?

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That isn't my argument now; I have understood that hours ago.


You're showing pretty poor understanding of it then. I'll sort the quotes out then ;)


If you haven't been accused of slander, then what the hell was the OP all about then?


The OP was all about whether an accusation made by someone else via their solicitor was slander or libel, as it had been written down.


It's slander. Nothing more. We did say this. Regularly.


As for them taking you to court, if it's slander or libel, it could absolutely cripple whoever's having a pop as they will not get legal aid for it, as it's a civil process. Legal aid is for those who are accused in a criminal court.


I just cannot understand why you feel that they the accuser, would ever wish to take me to court over a slanderous comment made by them!!!


Words absolutely fail me.

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What would have been published by then and who would have published it?


The original complaint to a third party, but in writing.


I suspect that you (as I was originally) have been confused by Joe's original post. I thought he was telling us that he had received a letter from a solicitor accusing him of slandering a client of that solicitor.


It appears that is not the case and rather a client has instructed his solicitor to write a letter of complaint to Joe. Joe has suggested that the verbal instruction issued by the client to the solicitor constituted a slander.

It does not; it is a communication between a client and a solicitor.


That is absolutely nothing like the OP at all. It was a very direct question about the legal difference between libel and slander.


He then asked whether the fact that the client's instruction had been expressed in writing (the letter from the solicitor) constituted a libel.

It does not. It is a letter of complaint written to Joe by a solicitor on behalf of that solicitor's client.


Now, whaddya know? I agree and said this a while back!

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A) In a solicitors letter, I have been accused of something by the solicitors client , which is untrue.

B) I wished to know in my OP that although it was a slanderous comment made by the solicitors client concerning me, as it had been written down by the solicitor of the client, did it then constitute libel instead or was it still slander as the solicitor had originally heard it verbally off their client and relayed it through a letter.

C) I have not made a slanderous comment

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HappyHippy.... explain briefly what you believe has happened to me?


All I can gather is that a firm has contacted you with regard to a case which you say is no more than slanderous. I've no problem with discussing this, but please remember that stuff which gets posted on the net is fair game in the world of the law.


Don't say I didn't warn you.

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A) In a solicitors letter, I have been accused of something by the solicitors client , which is untrue.

B) I wished to know in my OP that although it was a slanderous comment made by the solicitors client concerning me, as it had been written down by the solitor of the client, did it then constitute libel instead or was it still slander as the solicitor had originally heard it verbally off their client and relayed it through a letter.

C) I have not made a slanderous comment


And for the very bloody last time, it's not sodding libel but possibly sodding slander. If they can afford to take you to court, then let them. For the love of all that is Holy, and I'm a pagan, can I go to sodding sleep now?


Bugger all will happen.

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You obviously DON'T understand. I know it's NOT libel. And again why would they wish to take me to court? It is they that have slandered me! I am off to bed now as my brain has been completely messed up by you. Night night

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You obviously DON'T understand. I know it's NOT libel. And again why would they wish to take me to court? It is they that have slandered me! I am off to bed now as my brain has been completely messed up by you. Night night


Because slander/libel is a civil procedure. It's as simple as that. They have to bring an action against you for it to mean anything. If they don't, then nothing will happen.

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I have been accused of something by someone via their solicitor.

I understand that libel is written and slander is spoken, but what i need to know is, if their solicitor records in writing what their client has spoken, does it then become libel or would it remain as slander, as it was initially spoken, then printed/written by ther solicitor?


Anyone who can give me genuine advise on this greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)


I haven't read all of this thread, so apologies if someone has also said this but, if you are worried about this then you should consult a proper solicitor.


Your first concern should be answering the accusation made against you.


Once you have done that, then a solicitor would be able to advise whether or not you have a counter claim of slander/libel against your accuser and if you have, whether or not its worth proceeding with it.

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