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Which TV adverts drive you mad?

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Not at all. We both work full time and only watch TV in the evening and then not much of it. We've got a free view box but rarely use it.

The people who have to have hundreds of channels to choose from ,video any programme that they miss and rent 2 or 3 DVDs at the weekend are more the type to sit in front of the TV all bloomin day irrespective of what's on!


So if you only watch a few hours of TV a week why waste it on ads?

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"we buy any car", whoever made that needs to be taken outside and shot for crimes against humanity and life in general

I now love that advert. our friend (who we call awesome bill cos he is in fact the most awesome person ever and called Bill) he has a 20 year old golf that just wont die and every time that advert comes on "we buy any car" he shouts "not mine" in place of "dot com' so you cant hate it cos awesome Bill approves

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I once loved the halifax adverts, but now all I want to do is turn over as fast as I can. The smug look on their faces as they play at been dj's. It makes me think is this why they lost money. There suppose do be bankers they just look like a load of w*****s. Ok rant over sorry if I offended anybody but I feel better getting it off my chest


They're not bankers in the adverts, they're actors.

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All - absolutely all - bank adverts where they're now trying to appear normal and caring, when they're still just box-ticking, bonus-chasing scum - just like they were before they caused the crisis.


And that 'claims' one with the bird with the ubiquitous 'Oirish accent. There she is, clacking across the shop floor in her heels and too busy chatting to notice where she's going. Bam! She falls over (Good. People like her and that fat bird with the daft fringe 'just walking through reception' should fall over and hurt themselves on an hourly basis).


"Oi got eight tousand pounds. And the strapping? That's sorted!"


Yes love, and if I was your boss and you'd just driven up my insurance premiums, you'd be joining the strapping in that bin.

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So if you only watch a few hours of TV a week why waste it on ads?


I don't 'waste it on ads' ! TV is not that important to me that a couple of minutes when the ads come on means my evening's viewing is ruined.

When the ads come on it's time to nip to the loo,make a drink or talk to OH....or watch them.

I like Coronation St and Emmerdale, but working shifts means that I sometimes miss an episode, but it's no big deal and I've never felt the need to record them. The plots are usually so transparent that you can catch up after a fortnight abroad.

If I'm using the computer, making cards, reading and OH is reading, gardening,pottering about doing DIY etc the TV will probably be background noise or switched off.

I'd miss the TV if it wasn't there, but only when I'm not doing anything else.

Maybe it's because I was brought up in a very poor family and we only had second hand TVs ...when they broke we went without until my dad could afford another one.

I really don't need a box to entertain me during every minute of my spare time. Perhaps if I was unemployed or disabled I might watch more, but I doubt it.

I'll probably start watching when I'm old and stuck in a chair all day.

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All adverts are annoying but I have a particular hatred of the following:


Go compare (any of them)

We buy any car


Safestyle windows


There seems to be a very common theme to this thread though that would suggest that these ads are working and have the desired effect!

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