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Are you still smoking?

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started at 13, gave up at 27 (last september)


was the first and only time i ever gave giving up a go, never bothered with patches/gum/pills just the odd lolly pop. personaly don't think its that hard to give up its just a case of wanting to.


the amount of people ive heard say im really going to do it this time because such and such wants me to, well it will never work unless your giving up because you want to


my hubby gave up at the same time and has turned into such a hypocrite always moaning about the smell of smoke on people and about people smoking outside doorways, didn't stop him all those years though!

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started at 13, gave up at 27 (last september)


was the first and only time i ever gave giving up a go, never bothered with patches/gum/pills just the odd lolly pop. personaly don't think its that hard to give up its just a case of wanting to.


the amount of people ive heard say im really going to do it this time because such and such wants me to, well it will never work unless your giving up because you want to


my hubby gave up at the same time and has turned into such a hypocrite always moaning about the smell of smoke on people and about people smoking outside doorways, didn't stop him all those years though!


Hmmm. second hand smoke is almost always a pain in the neck, even when you are a smoker yourself. and the pong of stale smoke in your hair, and on your clothes after a night in the pub when smoking was allowed :gag:


although if you ask my ex, he'd say to you "Reformed smokers are the worst for that! There's nothing as bad as a reformed smoker for moaning!"


I stopped overnight at my dad's not long ago and I came home reeking like an ashtray. (He's a heavy smoker). the smell is unpleasant, and requires a t least one wash-cycle in the machine to get rid of the whiff!

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