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Cluster Bombs banned

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From the BBC report:


But many of the world's major military powers - including the US, Russia and China - are not signatories to the treaty.


The US administration insists cluster munitions are "legitimate weapons" with "clear military utility in combat".


It argues that cluster munitions actually cause less harm to civilians than some other weapons.


It is estimated that 98% of cluster bomb victims are civilian.

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I'm not questioning the validity of your claim, but I would like to see were you got that number from.


I don't know how valid it is ,but it seems to be the norm in SE asia among civilians there .they go poking around looking for scrap from the various wars the've had there and set them off .most of the injuries are from those nasty little plastic chinese land mines but there still unexploded cluster bomblets from the veitnam war knocking about in laos and cambodia

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  • 8 months later...

Were outraged by Gaddaffi using "cluster bombs", but cluster bombs were used extensively in the Gulf War, Chechnya, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, in Lebanon in 2006 and in Georgia in 2008 by the Americans, Soviets and Israel!!! HYPOCRITES!!!!!!

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2001- 2002 Afghanistan

The US drops 1,228 cluster bombs containing 248,056 bomblets.

Unknown Uganda

RBK-250/275 bombs and AO-1SCh submunitions found in the northern district of Gulu.

2003-2006 Iraq

The US and UK use nearly 13,000 cluster munitions containing an estimated 1.8 to 2 million submunitions in the three weeks of major combat. A total of 63 CBU-87 bombs were dropped by US aircraft between May 1, 2003 and August 1, 2006.

2006 Lebanon

Israeli forces use surface-launched and air-dropped cluster munitions against Hezbollah. The UN estimates that Israel used up to 4 million submunitions.

2006 Israel

Hezbollah fires more than 100 Chinese-produced Type-81 122mm cluster munition rockets into northern Israel.

2008 Georgia

Russia uses several types of cluster munitions, both air- and ground-launched, in a number of locations in Georgia’s Gori district. Also Georgia uses cluster munitions in the August 2008 conflict with Russia.


In addition, unconfirmed reports cite use of cluster munitions in Colombia, Kashmir, Pakistan, Slovenia, and Turkey.

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1982 Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

UK aircraft drop cluster munitions on Argentinean infantry positions near Port Stanley, Port Howard, and Goose Green.

1986-1987 Chad

French aircraft drop cluster munitions on a Libyan airfield at Wadi Doum. Libyan forces also used AO-1SCh and PTAB-2.5 submunitions.

1991 Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia

The US and its allies (France, Saudi Arabia, UK) drop 61,000 cluster bombs containing some 20 million submunitions. The number of cluster munitions delivered by surface-launched artillery and rocket systems during the Gulf War is not known, but an estimated 30 million or more DPICM submunitions were used in the conflict.

1992-1994 Angola

PTAB submunitions found in various locations.

1992-1994 Nagorno-Karabakh

Submunition contamination has been identified in at least 162 locations.

Submunition types cleared by deminers include PTAB-1, ShOAB-0.5, AO-2.5.

1992-1995 Bosnia & Herzegovina

Forces of Yugoslavia and NSAG use available stocks of cluster munitions during civil war. NATO aircraft drop two CBU-87 bombs.

1992-1997 Tajikistan

Use by unknown forces in civil war. ShOAB and AO-2.5RT submunitions have been found in the town of Gharm in the Rasht Valley.

1994-1996 Chechnya

Russian forces use cluster munitions against NSAG.

1995 Croatia

On May 2-3, 1995, an NSAG uses Orkan M-87 multiple rocket launchers to attack civilians in Zagreb. Additionally, the Croatian government claimed that Serb forces used BL-755 bombs in Sisak, Kutina, and along the Kupa River.

1996-1999 Sudan

Sudanese government forces use air-dropped cluster munitions in southern Sudan,

including Chilean made PM-1 submunitions.

1997 Sierra Leone

Nigerian ECOMOG peacekeepers use Beluga bombs on the eastern town of Kenema.

1998 Ethiopia / Eritrea

Ethiopia and Eritrea exchange aerial cluster munition strikes, Ethiopia attacking the Asmara airport and Eritrea attacking the Mekele airport. Ethiopia also dropped BL-755 bombs in Gash-Barka province of western Eritrea.

1998-1999 Albania

Yugoslav forces launch cross-border rocket attacks and NATO forces carry out six aerial cluster munition strikes.

1998-2003 DR Congo

BL-755 bombs used by unknown forces in Kasu village in Kabalo territory.

1999 Yugoslavia (including Serbia, Montenegro,and Kosovo)

The US, UK, and Netherlands drop 1,765 cluster bombs, containing 295,000 bomblets.



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