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Controlling my dog fouling outside someone's house

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I disagree. Dogs can actually fail to complete the training as a guide dog, and they specifically choose breeds which are intelligent and easy to train. Your average pet may be of a much more stupid or less biddable breed and people certainly don't have two years to train them to such a high degree.
I don't quite understand your point. You train until you have taught all the lessons you require to teach. As with people, learning is a lifelong thing :) Just because some people find it acceptable for their dog to be a source of annoyance to others, doesn't mean the dog is incapable of learning, it means the keeper can't be bothered. IMO.
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Off topic kind of, But someone mentioned guide dogs being trained to not poo "just anywhere" And I was wondering if your BLIND and have a guide dog how can you see it to pick it up?.


Also , Yes dogs fouling on your front does encourage other dogs to do the same but if the home owner was that bothered why doesnt she wash it down a couple of times a week , Some people will moan about anything and everything

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Off topic kind of, But someone mentioned guide dogs being trained to not poo "just anywhere" And I was wondering if your BLIND and have a guide dog how can you see it to pick it up?.


Also , Yes dogs fouling on your front does encourage other dogs to do the same but if the home owner was that bothered why doesnt she wash it down a couple of times a week , Some people will moan about anything and everything



It's not just anything though is it. People have a right to moan about dogs pooing. It's disgusting whether it is picked up or not. If people can't control their dogs, then they shouldn't have one in the first place.

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I don't quite understand your point. You train until you have taught all the lessons you require to teach. As with people, learning is a lifelong thing :) Just because some people find it acceptable for their dog to be a source of annoyance to others, doesn't mean the dog is incapable of learning, it means the keeper can't be bothered. IMO.


Maybe it's the intensive bit that you are missing.


I'm not entirely sure how you go about teaching a dog to only do it's business on command, but however it is, it's not taught with a couple of biscuits and a few weeks of training, nor I expect in 30 minutes a day over a longer period of time.

No one is expected to, or should be expected to train their dogs to this level. It's not a legal requirement, it's not a moral requirement. So long as you clean up after them when necessary that's all that is needed.

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Its possible and fairly easy to train a dog to toilet in a certain place ie your own garden and then clean it up! We have a slabbed area that the dogs use in our garden so there is no need for them to toilet outside someone else's house:)


The other day a dog went to the toilet outside our drive and ok the woman cleared it up but was difficult as it was very loose poo so she was actually scrubbing the pavement with a tissue :gag: I had to get a bucket of water to actually wash the remainder away!

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