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Controlling my dog fouling outside someone's house

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Great idea but that will probably kill the grass in patches too, so she won't win what ever she does outside that house unfortunately.

Next she will be banned for walking past in case a rogue flea falls off the dog and contaminates the area :rolleyes:

im sure there is some eco friendly alternative to bleach out there, I was just saying bleach as a quick answer,

I was going to suggest she picks up the poo,places it in a bag then puts it out side her front door sets it on fire and runs off...but na, that'd be too funny

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im sure there is some eco friendly alternative to bleach out there, I was just saying bleach as a quick answer


Yes I know you were, I wasn't being funny it was a light hearted answer, the madness of it all just gets to me every now and then :)


Safe4 disinfectant hurts nothing (apart from bacteria, virus's etc) and probably won't kill grass either :thumbsup:

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the dog is fed once a day, at a set time, which helps them to "go" at a certain time, too. (The dog)is trained very highly not to "go" The dog has an area of their own garden to "go" in and they spend on command, they are told "busy! be busy!"
Thanks for that. I've deleted the bulk for brevity.


So, in other words, all this letting dogs go where they want, when they feel the urge is just lack of proper training on the part of the owners? It sounds like the the bulk of the problem could almost be eliminated by proper training.


If it can be, why isn't it done? Laziness on the owner's part, or lack of information on the technique?

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Thanks for that. I've deleted the bulk for brevity.


So, in other words, all this letting dogs go where they want, when they feel the urge is just lack of proper training on the part of the owners? It sounds like the the bulk of the problem could almost be eliminated by proper training.


If it can be, why isn't it done? Laziness on the owner's part, or lack of information on the technique?


Dogs tend to want to "go" after a meal, or after waking and its easy to train them to go then, if you use the same word they know what it means....but unfortunately they also tend to "go" whilst being exercised and there isn't a lot that you can do about that .

My dogs do 90% of their mess in their own garden which is cleaned up, but unfortunately they still do the odd one outside its just what naturally happens when they exercise.

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I share your pain. Zach likes to choose his moments, and he'll stick his bum up against a door on the way down the street and poop right up against it.


If I get caught cleaning it up, I'm usually so shamed and apologetic that no one says anything out of sheer pity.


But it's hideous when it happens, and while there's very little you can do, bringing loads of clean up stuff in a bag always helps.


Which is what I now do. But arguing is bad, because no one wants another animal to be pooping on their house.


But generally, I find people to be really nice about it!

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How would you feel if that women curled one down on your door step? Miffed I'd imagine. Even if she picked it up in a small bag and hung it on a fence (which seems the standard way of disposing of dog poo).


It wasn't on her doorstep though was it, it was on the kerb outside on a public highway, and there is no reason at all to think that the bag was hung on anything, not all dog owners think that doing things like that is right you know.

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I was taking the dog for a walk this morning at around 8, walking past a house as you do when my dog decided to "go" outside this particular house, when this woman came out and said excuse me I know you are picking up after your dog but can you not let him go there in future cos it encourages other dogs to foul and I like to keep it clean, I said I cant control when and where my dog needs to poo and she's like yes you can you can go in front of your own house, so I said I will go where I want thanks and Im not arguing with you, I can understand if they are not dog people but its not her grass verge and I wont be told where to take my dog so there!


you maybe shouldn't have posted this thread expecting everybody to agree with you. You could easily walk your dog up and down the front of your own house or let it out in the garden where it would not bother anybody except you. She doesn't own the grass verge and neither do you.

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you maybe shouldn't have posted this thread expecting everybody to agree with you. You could easily walk your dog up and down the front of your own house or let it out in the garden where it would not bother anybody except you. She doesn't own the grass verge and neither do you.


Bloody brililant idea, never walk your dog anywhere other then your own garden :roll: My dog (border collie) would be climbing the walls should I never take him out, just in case he gets caught short and needs to do a poo. Which, might I add, I always, without fail, pick up. As for the idea of training them only to go when in your own garden-I'm afriad I just don't get that either, Very often my dog and I are out for the whole day. I do not expect him to hold it in if he needs to go! He knows not to "go" inside; that is good enough for me.

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It wasn't on her doorstep though was it, it was on the kerb outside on a public highway, and there is no reason at all to think that the bag was hung on anything, not all dog owners think that doing things like that is right you know.


The point is, its not acceptable for a human to crap in the street so why is it for a dog? I feel the need to be graphic here: are there not times when a sloppy poo leaves a certain amount of residue? That residue is then left on the verge outside someone's house. Unless you take a hose with you. I don't think it at all unreasonable for someone to be upset by that.

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