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You know youre getting old when..

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When you get up in the night to visit the bathroom, look at the clock and although you seem to have been in bed for ages, remember that a few years ago, that's the time that you WOULD have just been getting in.:hihi:

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One for the fella's


Now I'm old and feeble,

And my pilot light is out,

What used to be my sex appeal

Is now my water spout.


T'was a time, when of it's own accord

From my trousers it would spring,

But now I have a part time job

To find the blasted thing.


I used to be embarrased

To make that thing behave,

For every single morning

It would stand and watch me shave.


But as old age approaches

It sure gives me the blues,

To see it hang it's withered head

And watch me tie my shoes.

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Snap. Apart from I'm twenty TWO. :help: I much prefer a quiet "old man's" pub with real ale and a fire that does a good pie, lets me take the dog and has a log fire. I love Kelham Island pubs. I just cannot be doing with town, especially on a weekend. :gag:


Failing that, an evening with a huge bubbling lasagne (homemade) and a pile on on the sofa (the duvet, me, OH and the various pets) watching Neighbours (that we've recorded :blush: ) is my idea of heaven.


I am same I record neighbours, and usual soaps and then things like ghost whisperer and medium lol. :blush:

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Poor taste?


I think it's a play on words of the old when policemen start looking young.


You'll have to take it up with John Brown Publishing as to whether it is in poor taste. Personally i find it funny.

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