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Customer service rant - t mobile

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Signed up to t mobile, mobile broadband, £30 per month free laptop package.

15 months into 2 year contract. Dongle is knackered (there not built well am surprised it lasted that long) I sent it for repair, got it back unrepaired saying accidental damage out of warranty - crap happens, fair enough.

Spoke to t mobile in store they advised I needed to buy a pay as you go for 30 quid. I feel I've invested far too much money in this poor service already (my connection is so bad i cant upload low meg photos to Facebook/ebay) teletext is faster. I also feel why should I pay for this?

I called customer services and said I appreciate there is no warranty but for a good will gesture and the benefit of customer service would they replace the dongle free or consider ending the contract early without a charge or reduced charge?

No and no.

I've had free equipment from Orange, sky and bt in the past in a similar situation so why won't these reward my loyalty?

My contract has 9 months to run, (£270) termination charge is 229.

They said there is nothing they could do. There advice is - try eBay for cheap dongle, I can't get on the net! (I'm on here now I know but that's not the point.)

I'm bemused as to why they won't do anything. been in retail 10 years and bent the rules plenty of times for the benefit of customer service.

If I rang them back and said I was entering an iva or bankruptcy I'm sure they'd reduce the settlement to break the contract to save the risk of losing it all, so why won't they do anything for a customer who pays on time and just wants working what I'm paying for?

Anyone had any similar experiences? Fought a similar case and won?

I want to put this in writing to them, though I know contractually they don't have to do bugger all but I want to see how they value customer service.

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t-mobile, or one to no-one as they used to be, are terrible.


I was with them for 10 years from 1998 to 2008, on contract. Didn't always upgrade straight away, never used my full allowance, payments were taken by direct debit on time every month.


When it turned out that my mobile, which I use for work, has hardly any reception at my place of work, I rang them to ask if, given the 10 years worth of profit they had made out of me they might consider letting me out of my contract early. From memory it had 6 months to run. I also explained that I was happy to stay with them if they had plans to upgrade their network in the area.


Did they let me out of the contract? Did they heck. I paid it up and left, and will never do business with them again.

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When I rang Orange and ordered my phone Friday he said they were with T Mobile, I had to mail a file for them and it was to everythingeverywhere.com




I didn't know that, but everything everywhere is a new company created by t- Deutsche Telekom and France Télécom, who still own t-mobile and orange respectively.


You live and learn - thanks for the info. I guess it's so they can share infrastructure costs?

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I didn't know that, but everything everywhere is a new company created by t- Deutsche Telekom and France Télécom, who still own t-mobile and orange respectively.


You live and learn - thanks for the info. I guess it's so they can share infrastructure costs?


They've actually merged the companies - but they'll still be keeping the operating brands.


I presume this means Deutsche Telekom and France Télécom both own 50% of the holding company which controls both brands

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How did the dongle actually break - if you did nothing to it ring them up and tell them you consider the contract cancelled by them if they do not replace it - if you signed a fixed length contract it is reasonable to assume that any equipment they provide to access that service should last at least the length of the contract.


"Warranty" is an oft used way to get out of something, when they should really be looking at the relevant supply of goods/services laws.


To be honest I'm not sure, the engineers report says it was dropped, but the laptop and the usb socket are fine. The plastic frame of the dongle had been loose for some time before it actually stopped working, hence my comment on its design.

I agree with the product should match the life of the contract, and not the warranty. Just like British gas, sky and bt do.

T mobile are happy for me to sit out the contract despite it not being used. Not what i call service.

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ask to speak to manager at service provider, don't take no for answer and threaten to stop payments. they should at least give part of cost of new dongle even if outside warranty under european law


Which European law states that a company must cough up some of the cost of an item damaged by a customer? (that's what T-mobile are saying)

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