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Hi back2basics,


congratulations on mastering cut and paste... however when you do that - i.e. base your opinion on another person's opinion then your foundations are crumbling around your feet. Take the time to research your subject properly and you may be able to construct a credible argument for your view-point.


to paraphrase Oren Ishi


"As your friend, I encourage you from time to time and always in a respectful manner to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest tell me so... but allow me to convince you and I promise you right here and now no subject will ever be taboo... except of course the subject just under discussion.


The price you pay for bringing up my decision to persue a career in MLM as a negative is... I collect your reputation to string a cohesive argument together - just like this back2basics fella!"


"Now if any of you other lame brained opinion merchants got anything else to say - now's the time!"


"Thud... I didn't think so"



(apologies to Quentin Tarrentino)


p.s. the true test of a legitimate MLM is being able to make money without sponsoring (as a responsible sponsor I don't recruit) - Herbalife passes that test perfectly well.


p.p.s. never make an assumption - it makes an ASS out of you and umption.


p.p.p.s. Work From Home In Sheffield. No Hype - Just Facts

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Spot the difference:


You cut & paste whereas I paraphrase. Both valid forms of research, I'd say. Perhaps you could ask your friends' opinions. Oh, sorry they're not friends are they? They're customers now.

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Hi guys -


sigs are a conventional form of promotion... you'll see them all over this forum - as I said earlier once the mud stops flying... I'm happy to stop responding - is anyone calling you a con artist?


and max... really!


I'm sorry my paraphrase was too subtle for you.

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I will responde here and not to your PM.


The phrase 'constructing your own reality' comes to mind. Just do the maths, it's very simple. If you had a got a real education, not only would you not be trying to con people out of money, you would understand that distributed marketing or Pyramid marketing is NOT financially viable. They ALL break down after several years, with many loosing investment. It's high school maths, very simple. In a shop they sell a product and pay their overheads (rent etc). In distributed marketing you costs are lower, but because you have to pay the person who introduced you, and he has to pay the person who introduced him (and so on) by the time you get down several levels the cost is prohibitive , but the person at the top of that branch is making quiet a bit of money. As i said you have made NO EFFORT to sell the product, you have even skirted about what the product is (apart from my PM have you even admitted it was Herbalife?). People must ask themselves why would he not want to sell the product, why does he only want to 'help' people out? Because there is no money in selling the product, the money comes when he has recruited lot's of people, who in turn recruit lot's of people.


This is no new system somebody has developed for wealth, your not in on some sort of private knowledge that will change the world. Pyramid marketing schemes are illegal in most places in the world. So they have been re-branded distributed marketing. As i said this is not disgruntled people, this is American LEGAL documents. There is a big difference.


Just look at the American Federal research that shows the detrimental health benefits of the product. Look at how many deaths have been caused by Ephedrine (especially in the overweight). One of the ingredients of your product was made illegal in America only a few weeks ago because of the amount of deaths associated with it. (a link to a story about it being banned in America http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3357895.stm).




Here no cut and paste, and FDA (Fedral Drug Administration) report, found 31% of people had health problems when using it. 3 people dead, many heart attacks, hypertension, and stroke. And for what? Limited, short term weight loss? People who should avoid these products include people with high blood pressure, overactive thyroid, two thinks overweight people could have.

BTW i am not trying to convince you, your far too caught up in this for that, thinking of the money. Hopefully people will read this and not have anything to do with this two part scam. As i have said the product is too expensive, the marketing method is illegal, the product is dangerous and your telling people they can make unlimited earnings (most likely) and it's a lie. The World is an un ethical place, there are far to many people out there literally preying on the poor and uneducated people. Whether it's 'mediums' preying on people who have recently had a bereavement or people like you preying on the poor and overweight IMO you should all be locked up. Ephedrine is likely to be banned in the UK soon, that is when the pyramid will collapse.

Some more info from a court who slapped a $850,000 fine on Herbalife for using the illegal marketing scam, false advertising etc (link : http://www.mlmwatch.org/04C/Herbalife/herbalife04.html)

"To attract new distributors, the TV programs and company magazine contained stories of individuals who made large amounts of money by building large networks of Herbalife distributors. These representations are misleading because there is no reasonable basis to assert that most people who become distributors will earn large sums."

Here is a site that explains the problems with MLM (Multi level marketing as they call it in America), it explains the maths and why the system does not work.


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hi back2basics,


well, at least you tried harder this time ;) I believe you may even have made up some of your own words this time - but based on what? where's your personal experience coming into this?


nevertheless you're all over the place with your assumptions again... and the volume of misinformation you're linking and pasting does not serve my purpose which WAS to


a) Offer advice based on my personal experience to "Pieface" - who said he was NOT looking for a work from home business but a work from home JOB...


b) Display my personal background which is on my personal website which may also be of interest to others looking to work from home in Sheffield - but in a work from home business opportunity.


Unfortunately this was attacked by yourself and others who have a very strong opinion based on your own personal experience that this Business Opportunity could not possibly work... without the successful person deserving to be 'locked up'.


I can help you if you're interested in learning the truth but you're obviously on a mission to stay put in your ignorance. For that I pity you.


Unfortunately, as I said in my PM this is a public forum where I feel I must defend my own integrity and that of thousands of successful, hardworking Herbalife distributors who are improving the quality of their own lives and helping many, many people who need a way to improve their health without drugs, hormones and fad diets...


I will continue to respond in the interests of coming to a constructive and civilised conclusion to this thread - but perhaps this would be better conducted in a 'formal debate' since you and others have lowered yourself to personal insults.


I tried to meet you in a light hearted way in my last post but you're obviously too bitter to leave it at that. So be it.


I won't expect you to personally respond to why all these people are happy and successful or why the >1 million distributors in 58 countries around the world are prepared to take responsibility for their own success. Or why the wellness industry is the best hope we have of dealing with an epidemic of obesity which is galloping out of control and the pharmaceutical industry which responds with more and more drugs which deal with the symptoms without effecting a cure. If you're interested in the facts to back up this conclusion, check out The Next Trillion by Paul Zane Pilzer.


Instead of responding with more links to sour grapes I'll just ask you to consider the possibility that you are finding exactly what you're looking for - an excuse to stay put and have no hope of improving your situation... again I can see that will leave you plenty of time to twiddle around spreading ill-will towards those who are working for something better. But on the other hand you could grow up a bit and offer respect to those prepared to act on their convictions.


To every positive action there is an equal and opposite cynicism.


Finally, it's worth pointing out that amongst your assumptions and copied bile you are making wild claims that Herbalife products are unsafe. May I caution you against this type of behaviour.


I urge you to take personal responsibility for the material you post - if you are not sure of your material then think again before you risk ridicule or worse.


Read my sig.

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Herbalife is UNSAFE! The active ingredient has been banned in the US, and has KILLED PEOPLE. The link to the CNN article shows the FDA's research. So come on sue me, i will PM you my details so you can get the party started if you want! This site wouldn't give you my details but i will offer them to you to make it nice and easy. But also sue the FDA (who have sued Herbalife) as they are the people who make the claims.


I would LOVE you to start legal proceeding against me, although i am very successful and not looking for get rich quick schemes (as you are) i could do with some money for nothing.


I will restate it again in bold Herbalife is unsafe for many people, it's too expensive, doesn't do what you are told it will


Back to the debate, can you post any INDEPENDENT links to research? I have posted FDA research which is independent of any company, maybe you could do the same? The sites you poster are linked to Herbalife, so they really don't count as 'truth'.


Sorry but you are a joke, and you still need locking up.


I will keep the board updated on the legal procedings, somehow i don't think they will appear.

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p.s. backtobasics - here's the PM I sent to you last night - I was hoping you weren't on a mission to display your ignorance. Perhaps I was wrong and you're happier playing to an audience...


alert_bri wrote on 05-01-2004 10:06 PM:

Hi back2basics - just a quick note to say no hard feelings - really I have no axe to grind and it's really no problem to me what you say if you really believe it...


I have chosen to put my neck on the line on my website to prove that I'm on the level and what you see really is what you get.


I have to defend myself because it's a public forum and I really, honestly know what I'm talking about - I'm an engineer and I really left no stone unturned when I joined Herbalife 2 years ago.


While I appreciate there are a number of vociferous unhappy people who failed to build their Herbalife business and there are also big interests set against a wellness company making progress (i.e. fast food industry and pharmaceutical industry) I can only stand up and tell the truth as I know it. It's the real deal and we're helping people on a level I wish you could understand.


All I can say is, I'm not in this for the money anymore - it's way more important than that. I only hope you have or find something worth standing up for in your own life.


Very Best Wishes



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