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Working from home in Sheffield


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No claims then? I see you have put a disclaimer on real-life-sucsess that basically says you are making no claims about the product. So what does it actually do for us Brian? We pay you money for some pills right? And we take the pills? Apart from a racing heart beat, what other effects will these pills have?


What do we get for our money? Or do you only make those claims in person?

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Originally posted by alert_bri


And I hope I'm giving value to the silent majority who are following this thread, rather than making a fool of myself. But it wouldn't be the first time :P


No - I think most people can see pyramid selling schemes for what they are, i.e. a con.

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I'm sorry - we're obviously having a hard time communicating with each other here.


How can I actually help you? I agree with you. Pyramid selling schemes are a con - that's why they're illegal.


Honestly, I think some people can type and almost spell but can't actually read :(

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Originally posted by alert_bri

I'm sorry - we're obviously having a hard time communicating with each other here.


How can I actually help you? I agree with you. Pyramid selling schemes are a con - that's why they're illegal.


Honestly, I think some people can type and almost spell but can't actually read :(


Err, yeah ok. Can you please briefly outline on this thread how your home working scheme works.


And it would also be useful for you to answer the question back2basics asked regarding your product and what it actually does. Thanks.:thumbsup:

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OK Dug,


briefly, we help nice people (not jerks) to work from home for themselves. If you've ever tried to start a business for yourself you'll realise it can be very expensive, challenging and most people fail in their first year losing a lot of money in the process.

It is not easy.


Herbalife provides a proven method of operation to build a full sized business from the contents of a £75.00 International Business Pack and the support of a team of people working all around the world to help you learn how to be successful.


It's a bit like climbing a mountian - Herbalife has carved the steps up the side of the mountain and your sponsor is your guide - however you have to take the steps. You are working for yourself but not by yourself.


It's an amazing co-operative venture and you make loads of friends along the way because you're all going through the challenges with many friends at your level in the group.


It can be very tough when you bump into people like back2basics who suddenly become the worlds expert in why you're going to fail and the whole thing will never work. But it's been working and growing for the last >20 years now and we're not even scratching the surface of the market we're serving.


The main problem we have is reaching honest, decent people who want to work for their own future rather than for someone else. And then to protect them from the cynics with solid support and good information long enough for them to make some serious money which tends to make the cynics shut up and ask for a pint ;)


Hope that helps - if you want specifics it takes about 3-5years to learn them all.

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It is okay chaps, I have got it now


We are to understand that the Herbalife scheme is a way of making everyone have a good business that they can run from home, where they can help other people have a good business that they too can run from home


Okay, that seems very straightforward and Brian has explained it very well and very thoroughly, his Arkela will be very pleased with him.


What it clearly is NOT is the sale of a product that might have some beneficial effect on a person's health


What it clearly IS is the sale of a business proposition that might have some beneficial effect on a person's pocket but probably wont - Wadsley isnt renowned as Millionaire's Row and great business men probably dont spend all afternoon on Sheffield Forum when they could be out with Mr Helicopter larging it up


So it is not the sale of a health product, it is if you like the sale of an idea


and idea's dont make you money - look what happened in the bursting of the dot com bubble


It is PRODUCTS that make you money


Brian - take it away mate, we dont want it


Not at any price


PS.....you may already have won £1million in the Alberta Lottery, send me £50 and I will look your name up on the list

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At 75% on the ball I would call that a victory


And my message to you is this


(if you want to hear it)


I know that you are a decent bloke who wants to do well by his family and that you, like most people, are looking for the best way to do that.


This is not sarcasm, it is my honest perception of your situation


Unfortunately I truly believe, as do most people on here, that you have been lied to and you have been mislead and that despite your hopes and your dreams and your best intentions, you are embarked on something that makes you uncomfortable, not perhaps all the time, but certainly sometimes.


I can say that because once, a long time ago in my shallow youth, I fell for something similar, not exactly the same, but similar, that depended on my selling insurance and savings policies to my family.


I did that believing in the products, and actually, in my case the products werent all that bad, and a few people were subsequently glad to have taken them, but sadly not all.


Where it all fell apart was when my boss literally and honestly cellotaped my hand to the phone in an effort to make me cold call people, once my circle of friends had run out.


This is the sort of thing you are heading for and is the moment when you want to get out.


Brian, give it up, you know it is not right, you dont feel good about it and you are worried about what you are doing. What is keeping you going is your sense of responsibility to your family and to your finances, worry about not bringing in the cash, the cracks are already appearing otherwise you wouldnt be in here.


I genuinely and honestly send you a hug for your predicament


Trust me when I say that if you give up this scheme, you will find other work that will be more fulfilling and will bring in more money and will make you feel better about not selling your soul (and other people's souls)


Two years is not so bad, you can get out of this, dont make it three years


Please take my best wishes and pack it in and find something that will make you sleep at night.


You arent even now earning the money you want and you wont, because it is a scheme doomed to failure. For every success video they send you, there are thirty failure videos.


Do something that will make you feel better and feel more a part of society


This is a heartfelt plea

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