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Working from home in Sheffield


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We dont DO personal on Sheffield Forum


Well we do, but not related to threads, more related to "bugger the rest do you fancy coming out to the pictures"


Sensible and thoughtful discussion of the issues is ALWAYS dealt with live and online


That is PRECISELY what the site was set up for, to allow Sheffielders to discuss Sheffield issues, Online in a Forum base


I thought you had already learnt that from your chat with Back2Basics


He doesnt post in a vacuum you know


However I shall go off, read your post and then post it up, unless it is truly private in which case I wont



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In answer to your heartfelt plea...


Hi Belle,


thank you for your heartfelt plea but you're trying to save me based on your experience with another company, another product and your own (forgive me) failure and crushed dreams.


My success is certain because I'm with the right company, the right team and with the right products and I'm the right person for the job.


I don't want to bore you with my background - there's enough of that already in the public domain - I hope you can just be happy and supportive for me as I do something MASSIVELY GOOD in this world. This business is the best chance I've ever been given to make the maximum positive impact on so many lives that I just wouldn't be true to myself if I gave up on that opportunity.


I appreciate what you're trying to do - to protect people but all I can say is protect them from what? your company is gone - this is my chance to help people in a very very good way.


Just because you had a bad experience doesn' t mean I'm a crook and out to perpetrate the same thing on the people I sponsor.


I'll repeat what I said earlier in the thread my intention was good, to help Pieface with his job hunt and offer a pointer to anyone looking to work from home in Sheffield in their own business... it's a real shame it degenerated the way it did - that did no-one any good.


Take Care & See You On-Line






Oh dear Oh Dear Oh dear


There are vacuums and there are vacuums


I am a mightily successful woman who specialises in bringing fraudsters to the light of day. I have a virtual hotline for instance to David Walsh who is the consumer man at the Sheffield Star. If I give him a good story then he prints it, that is how the press works.


My company never went anywhere, to this day it is running the country.....you cant say fairer than that


I gave you the chance to say to me, yes Belle you are right, I am scraping the barrel and have made a mistake and would love someone to offer me a money making job that does not involve taking advantage of others.


The sensible and grown up answer would be to say "I dont feel that way any more"


The stupid answer and one guaranteed to get my goat is the one that says "We are respectable us, ignore all the criticism, we can make your home business successful" especially when people like Gerry Sutcliffe are tuned in ....Who he? the Minister for Consumer Affairs, another mate of mine. Do you think people dont listen as you try to con the non-achievers in our great city?


You dont learn quick you con men, do you?


.....so now, seeing that you have spit my consideration back in my eye, I declare you open season on the rest of Sheffield



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Hi Belle,


that was a low blow -


We dont DO personal on Sheffield Forum


as a newcomer to the forum - I had a quick read of the rules which include...


Topic Content Rules

- Don't use threads for one-to-one correspondance (use email/PM!)


The message I sent to you was a private response to your very personal message to me which at the same time subtly undermined everything I stand for.


I gave you the benefit of the doubt and tried to take it out of this thread.


Have a think about that if you can.


In trying to protect people from failure you're possibly ruining the best chance many people have to work their way to a much better quality of life. It's like keeping your kids in a wheelchair because you're afraid they'll trip up and hurt themselves if they learn to walk. Who gave you the right to take that chance away?


I'm happy that you are a "mightily successful woman" - now please give me the same respect you wish to have, and leave others the chance also to have success in life.


Kind Regards



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alert_bri, much as I respect your personal efforts, the corporate party line comes through your posts to an incredible degree. If I didn't know that you were cleverer than that it would look like corporate brainwashing.


Most of us have been touched by MLM at some point in our lives. Most of us realise that it relies solely on selling something to friends and family that they dont really want, but feel obliged to buy. The winners are ONLY at the top of the pyramid.

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Seriously people there was someone with a genuin need for advice for working from home who started this thread. But instead it's been turned into a slanging match between someone who earnes money working from home and those who want to call him a theif.


Take your ranting elsewhere. Start your own thread perhaps.

But what you've done is highjacked a what appears to be a genuin plea for help by someone.


Honestly it's pathetic on all accounts!:mad:

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Belle that was very charitable of you :) I started out thinking Brian could just have been a victim of this as well, i think clearly he is not. He understands certain concepts that make me believe he understands and utilises manipulative behaviour. The way he has set up the scam do seem to suggest not only is he using the same techniques i saw used in the US. It makes me think Brian is a teacher of the scam, rather than a victim.


Thanks to everybody who spoke up. This kind of thing needs stamping out. I am going to send all the info i have to some contacts supplied to me to try and get an article (or at least a letter) posted in the local press. Sadly i think the impact will be minimal because of the way the scam works. They make no claims in the countries they cannot legally do it (hence the before and after images, showing thinner people) and they work by getting charismatic people to do personal sessions and using hard selling techniques. It needs to be legislated against, like many of the other so called herbal products. They call them herbal to make it sound safe, how can something natural be dangerous? Well thats a total misnomer, many of the active ingredients are just as dangerous (and not regulated) as synthetic drugs.


Also apologies to Sheffield forum, not for posting the WHOIS info, but for not blanking out the address.

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Hi. One of the most interesting threads i've seen around.


Question for Brian per your post:


p.s. regarding the products - they're safe, they're naturally derived and they work a treat


When you say they work a treat, what do they do? I tried the link but couldn't see any clear inforamtion, can you summarise?

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John has already posted this URL (it's the 4th one that come up when you google for Herbalife) but I thought it was worth repeating:




How do you anwser the accusations levelled by this article?

And as this article points out if you google for herbalife you get 1,120,000. hits. 'That's not a community - that's competition'


And can you compete with these people flogging it on ebay (presuambly trying to get some of their money back)?






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How do you anwser the accusations levelled by this article?


I don't - it's satire... that's why they call it the Cockeyed Report.


And there's no competition - only enemies... Fast food, Drugs and our toxic environment - oh and ignorance.

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