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Working from home in Sheffield


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Originally posted by alert_bri

I don't - it's satire... that's why they call it the Cockeyed Report.


And there's no competition - only enemies... Fast food, Drugs and our toxic environment - oh and ignorance.


Two words spring to mind, washed and brain.

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Originally posted by alert_bri

I don't - it's satire... that's why they call it the Cockeyed Report.

Oh give me a break. It must be REALLY funny then since its been translated into 3 different other languages. It is soooo funny that so many people have linked to it to make it appear that high in the google rankings? I think not. Sounded like a serious piece of investigative journalism to me. I didn't find it at all funny.

I didn't find these 58 letters posted about that article posted on the same site from Nov 2003, funny either.



And there's no competition - only enemies... Fast food, Drugs and our toxic environment - oh and ignorance.


I'll take that as a no then - you can't compete.


And yes you'd best hope there is ignorance hadn't you - you NEED it.


"There's no competition - only enemies" - hey I might .sig that it's so stupid.



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Take a deep breath nomme, you'll find it easier to think straight.


Internet marketing is very big business indeed - you don't get to top ranking on google and capture loads of viewing traffic by accident you know... I think the cockeyed report is a fine example of harvesting the masses - it also plays to the lowest common denominator...


I suppose you could equate it with pornography on the net really. I deal with the cockeyed report the same way - I can't do anything about it so I ignore it.


If you'd like help with a sig, give me a moment....


"If you are going through hell, keep going."

- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)


Can I go now? :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by back2basics

Also apologies to Sheffield forum, not for posting the WHOIS info, but for not blanking out the address.


Apologies accepted b2b.


Originally posted by alert_bri

Can I go now? :thumbsup:


No, please stick around. We feel honour bound to keep you busy so you can stop shafting people who may not have access to the truth about your disgusting scam.

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I looked at the Herbalife website and the Cockeyed report links and read both with an open mind.


I have to say the cockeyed report is a lot more convincing, as for it being satire.....is that comment for real??

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We feel honour bound to keep you busy

...don't flatter yourself max - you're just not original enough to post your own thread... and the only reason I'm here is to try to offer value to the silent majority who can spot a reasonable response based on fact and personal experience.


It's easier to give value when it's not a response to a personal insult or 2nd and 3rd hand hype though :loopy:


You're right though - I've given far too many flakes far too much attention - apologies to the audience but I'll duck out now and leave it to the opinion merchants for now. Please PM me if you are seriously interested in my further input.


Deep Breath - Walk Away :)


p.s. I'll PM you TonyG

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Phone the guy, he'll tell you its not satire.


As for herbalife, I don't know the products, but their "total control" tablets or capsules contain dl-phenylanaline.


you don't want to be taking that, unless you have a very good medical reason to.


It's a common enough amino acid in food, but supplementing yourself with an undeclared dosage would be a bad idea, seeing as you could induce hypertensive crisis.


I guess its in there because it acts as an appetite damper and mood lifter.


You kinda get the impression that Herbalife might be herbal in origin, but Phenylalanine is most abdundant in meat.


oh and...

Overuse of phenylalanine supplements can cause anxiety, headaches and hypertension and are contraindicated for pregnant woman, those who suffer from anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, PKU, pigmented melanoma or anyone taking an anti-depressant containing monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

AFAIK PKU is phenylketonurea - inablility to metabolise phenylalanine.

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One thing the Cockeyed reported established was that 97% of the "work from home" fliers posted in Sacramento were put up by independent Herbalife distributors. Has anyone ever tried the numbers on the fliers posted around Sheffield? Do these all lead (eventually) to Herbalife I wonder?

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I looked at the labels on the Herbalife web site. I would be very careful, because they did include Ephedrine in the US before they were banned. The US versions now just contain large amounts of Caffeine (just drink coffee and green tea it's much cheaper than this crap). I would not be surprised (although i have no evidence) if the versions sold in the UK are the crap they can no longer sell in the US because they have been made illegal.


Also notice that they (by law) must have a disclaimer saying that the FDA has not tested their claims. Thats how confident they are of THEIR OWN PRODUCT. They put a disclaimer on there. Also Brain is very careful not to claim anything at all or he himself would be in legal trouble. We can surmise that either Brian has knowledge of the legal system himself and is just being careful, or the advise given by Herbalife is standard around it's distributors. They ALL contain the same legal disclaimers. Brian is in the UK, so he is very careful not to even say it's a sliming pill.

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