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Working from home in Sheffield


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i don't hate you bri, and certainly not your family. I just dont agree with what you do.


I'm sorry Tony - it just reads that way in print... I realise we all make opinions based on the facts we personally have available.


I'll put some thoughts together over the weekend and kick off a new thread.


Cheers :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Tony

Well I don't bri, I assure you.


I do find it very distasteful to use photo's of your children to sell slimming pills. Have a think about that at the weekend too bri.


Have I missed something? I thought the whole point about the majority of posts on this thread was that Brian doesn't sell slimming pills.:confused:

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Originally posted by alert_bri

Tony, Max,


thanks for demonstrating the futility of making a personal judgement on someone you never met.


This is truly ridiculous :D


Can't wait to meet you both in person - should be very interesting ;)


So I really shouldn't judge Ian Huntley either, never having met him?


What a truly ridiculous idea.

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Further information on Herbalife (which isn't a scam for taking money off people, really, honestly, hand on heart).


I received an email today telling me that I had won on some Lotto or other for which I hadn't bought tickets. Included in this scam mail was a link to this site: http://www.healthiest.co.za/


which prompted me to click on a flash for A Brand New Product. Guess where that took me? To an on-line ordering page which included:



'Let all the rivers to the Heart run free".


Over to you Brian, scam or not, honest or not?

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max - I'm sure you are capable of reporting SPAM which is totally against Herbalife rules of practice... I would check carefully when you leave your e-mail address for competitions, sign-ups etc on the net - don't tick the check-boxes for "I would like additional information likely to be of interest to me e-mailed..." etc etc...


and I'll direct you to this site which seems to have loads of useful advice on Homeworking...




... which hopefully gives Pieface (remember him?) and anyone else interested in legitimate homeworking vs. scams, pyramid selling schemes and the like - a good source of facts.


Cheers :thumbsup:

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Just checked out the work from home site,and looked at all the case studies.

There were loads of them,however where are the faliures ?,surely not all the people that work from home are an overnight success and own a flash car and bikni clad babe.


Sadly all I saw was file after file of the success stories,ehere are the stories of the family that were suckered in and lost everything ?


Sadly the newsletter was down due to,guess what spam abuse.

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Anotehr case study from a SUPERVISOR. Remember although in the US you can get your money back, you cannot in the UK.




” Universal Saturation, Human Greed and the Company’s Bad Reputation Have Ruined Herbalife”



I started this website based on my Herbalife Experience. I was a 'Herbalife Distributor'. I was a Supervisor for 3 months, and in that time I uncovered everything I needed to know about this company to know that it is a scam. Through being a Herbalife Distributor I lost close to $2000. The goods I purchased were overpriced, and ineffective, and although the company offers guarantees for Distributors, these are nothing more than tips and tricks to get you to sign up. From the Day you sign up in Herbalife, you will spend the rest of the time trying to make up for the money that you have lost.


I have since resigned as a Herbalife Distributor, and have spent my time trying work out exactly why I failed as a Herbalife Distributor. After reading hundreds of articles on the Internet, and researching dozens of Herbalife Court Cases, I have come up with the following conclusion about Herbalife.


99% of Herbalife Distributors will lose money with Herbalife, based on the following 3 facts:


1. Universal Saturation – There are too many Distributors and not enough customers. Herbalife doesn't know or care if your area is already saturated. You have made all of the investment. They don't take any of the blame for totally overbooking your market with distributors.


2. Human Greed – Most Distributors are just there to make a quick buck. They don’t care who they sell their products to and when recruiting want nothing more than for you to sign up and spend money on buying thousands of dollars worth of stock. They don’t care how well you do, they just want to get paid themselves by convincing you to spent thousands of dollars on overpriced weight loss products


3. Herbalife’s Bad Reputation – For years Herbalife has been referred to as nothing but a Pyramid Scheme. Because of this, as well as the many Herbalife Court Cases, the scandals involving the safety of Herbalife products and the number of people being ripped off by Herbalife, the company has built up one of the worst reputations of all the multi-level marketing companies. So many people have failed to make money as a Herbalife Distributor that most people refuse to get involved, let alone purchase Herbalife products.


Interested in Learning about My Herbalife Experience


CLICK HERE, To read the article on my Herbalife experience, and to find out exactly how I got scammed


As well as the above article, this website contains other articles that go into more detail about what Herbalife is about, and will tell you exactly what they do and how they rip you off. These articles are all taken from ex-Herbalife Distributors, as well as people that have tried their weight loss products, or have been involved with Herbalife in one way or another.


CLICK HERE, To read other articles about Herbalife


Lost Money With Herbalife

Not that many people are aware of this, but you can get your money back (well most of it) through the 'Herbalife Buy Back.'

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