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A better deal for people who contribute to society

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Not my problem actually; luckily I got a job straightaway and haven't needed to claim any benefits in the last 18 years. I just find the attitudes on this and similar threads amazing - that people already down on their luck should be further humiliated and punished for the sin of being unable to find work.


But interesting you think everyone else is a scrounger and not you!

I most certainly do not think everyone claiming benefit are scroungers. So either provide a post of mine in which I have said that or retract it.
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There is work available if people choose to look. At some point having a job means having a job you love?......nah if scrubbing a toilet puts food on the table then there are plenty of jobs going.


The good thing about all this is that british workers will get the jobs back that we never wanted to do and gave to the immigrants and then complained about. Camerons first job is to make the uk look completely unatractive to migrants and stem the tide, then reform the entire system and get it running at full pelt again while giving us more say over our laws and their uses. Finally control the borders reopen britain and get back to what made our country great.


I really don't think the measures they mentioned in the budget will get through as they were announced, there will be some give and take or a more sensitive stepping in of each announcement but seriously this is the big thing we all asked for, our society is going to get a damn sight more accountable and be living within it's means. If your a uni grad and there is no job and you refuse to clean a toilet the government will treat you like any other mardy arse or scrounger.......no job = absolute minimum help from the state which is what it should have been to start with.


No jobs?.......start looking in the right places there are plenty...i hear a ton are going with debt recovery agencies.

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yes. sadly many people think they are above working for the minimum wage and are overqualified.

However sometimes in life circumstances dictate that you have to take a step down the ladder to take a step back up and in the end it will be all right.

getting a degree or getting a qualification in something that is simply not required in the jobs market is pointless unless you want to get it for your own personal development and interest.

You cant have too much knowledge, but when it is about the jobs market then people really do have to look at what the market wants and apply accordingly for the qualification that meets the needs of the market, or start up their own business doing something they are good at and and that there is a market for.

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There is work available if people choose to look. At some point having a job means having a job you love?......nah if scrubbing a toilet puts food on the table then there are plenty of jobs going.


The good thing about all this is that british workers will get the jobs back that we never wanted to do and gave to the immigrants and then complained about. Camerons first job is to make the uk look completely unatractive to migrants and stem the tide, then reform the entire system and get it running at full pelt again while giving us more say over our laws and their uses. Finally control the borders reopen britain and get back to what made our country great.


I really don't think the measures they mentioned in the budget will get through as they were announced, there will be some give and take or a more sensitive stepping in of each announcement but seriously this is the big thing we all asked for, our society is going to get a damn sight more accountable and be living within it's means. If your a uni grad and there is no job and you refuse to clean a toilet the government will treat you like any other mardy arse or scrounger.......no job = absolute minimum help from the state which is what it should have been to start with.


No jobs?.......start looking in the right places there are plenty...i hear a ton are going with debt recovery agencies.



Sieg heil, I can't make up my mind whether you voted Conservative or BNP at the last election. You haven't listened to a word that's been said, people did not vote the Conservatives in, they didn't get the majority, they had to bribe the Liberals with a seat on the table. Since a third of the electorate were turned away without casting their vote, it's hardly fair is it? Everyone knows it is wrong, especially the Liberals who have seen there support drop to something like 2%.


Maybe we should get you scrubbing bogs out for £2 per hour, see how you like it?

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people did not vote the Conservatives in

Who else voted, but 'people' :confused::huh:

they didn't get the majority

They got the most.

they had to bribe the Liberals with a seat on the table.
Cons did not need the Liberals, strictly speaking. It's just that, having the Liberals on-side, would make it easier for them to get their way in Parliament.

Since a third of the electorate were turned away without casting their vote, it's hardly fair is it?
A third of the entire electorate sounds like rather a lot. Source?


EDIT - not excusing or supporting the Cons here (I can't vote, so don't particularly care), but all this talk of "unelected PM" and whatnot is wearing a bit thin. We'd already had some years of it with Gordon Brown until the election...no PM is ever "elected" in this country, his/her party is.

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Unfortunately the government will probably see you as a sponger despite the fact you're doing your damnedist to find work and they are trying to influence the public, probably without them realising it, to accept their way of thinking.


At what point does someone who is genuinely trying to find employment become a scrounger and therefore more susceptible to being pushed around, which is beneficial to nobody?


The ones that are 3rd generation benefit claimants

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