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A better deal for people who contribute to society

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I dont see how the DWP would have the authority to ask private companies ie shops for records of what their customers have spent there. Would all shops including all corner shops and market traders be obliged to accept the cards? Wouldn't unscupulous people just rob other peoples cash, while genuine benefits claimants would be forced to reveal to everyone that they were on benefits?
Why would the DWP need to ask shops for the records?, it's an automatic transaction.. like a credit card.


Unscrupulous people will always rob other peoples cash, that's one of the few guarantees in life. And what's all this about having to reveal that we're on benefits?.. there's no shame in needing support from the state, are you saying you'd be ashamed to admit to it?

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Those who work and pay their taxes and generally abide by the law get nothing these days (that i can think of) that the work shy dont already enjoy- concessions / benefits / handouts.

As it isnt feasible for those that keep this country running and support the lazy and unable to get these benefits should they not enjoy other benefits instead so they dont feel too hard done to?

I suggest they should enjoy leniency in things such as fines / prison sentences for less serious crime. They should pay fines at say half the rate of the lazy, suspended / lesser sentences, lower 'optional' taxes such as for airline flights -with the shortfall made up by higher taxes for the lazy.

I think the decent people of society are getting more and more disillusioned by how they are treated by the state when compared with those that choose to opt out and live as parasites.


It should be a case of 'yes Mr Scratter, Mr Ripsaw did get a suspended sentence for the same crime you got 2 years for but you havent contributed anything to society for the last ten years and Mr Ripsaw has'..


It sounds as though you consider yourself better than other people. did you vote Tory in the last election? So you're saying people should pay less and receive more for being good? That's crazy, to be fined less for being good; if they were good they wouldn't have been fined in the first place.


The government will not settle for a loss and income and will have to get its money from somwhere. That means taking it from those who perhaps have not been good or people who have fallen on hard time maybe through no fault of their own. Those are the type of people who are most vulnerable in society and need help and support/guidance the most.


It's a similar story in football - reward those that do well. The means some football clubs will rake in millions in TV money whilst other less fortunate clubs go to the wall. It's the elitest view and is not conducive to a decent society. All it does is breed discontentment, ill feeling and generally leads to desperation and in the worst cases, violence. Remember the sayings, "No man can do it all on his own" and "united we stand."

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Why would the DWP need to ask shops for the records?, it's an automatic transaction.. like a credit card.


Unscrupulous people will always rob other peoples cash, that's one of the few guarantees in life. And what's all this about having to reveal that we're on benefits?.. there's no shame in needing support from the state, are you saying you'd be ashamed to admit to it?


You really are not thinking things through, to put such a system in place would cost even more to the tax payer so how would that help with our deficit.


The way i see it the government is taking an axe to anything that is in any way shape or form capable of reducing it's overheads. This is not their problem they were elected to make radical reform and they are doing just that.


What is the point of overly bloated organizations that through sheer beauracracy are inefficient and lead to more lending through their inefficiency? Yes a fair few people had jobs but it was going nowhere and the end result was bankruptcy.


What you are now seeing is 13 years of pulling the wool over your eyes being lifted and segments of society being brought back in line with reality, there will be job cuts, people losing homes, and many other things but in a decades time we will be living in reality not a labour la la land. It was never going to last

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You really are not thinking things through, to put such a system in place would cost even more to the tax payer so how would that help with our deficit.
Yes, but it would be more cost effective in the long term. Drastic changes are needed to ensure benefits are only being paid to those in genuine need of them. More needs to be done to expose the long term benefit claimers who simply tell lies in order to take advantage of the current means tested benefits available. We should bite the bullet and scrap the "cash in hand" payment method and introduce the electronic card, which will soon expose those just claiming for the money.


Posted by weazel2006

The way i see it the government is taking an axe to anything that is in any way shape or form capable of reducing it's overheads. This is not their problem they were elected to make radical reform and they are doing just that.


What is the point of overly bloated organizations that through sheer beauracracy are inefficient and lead to more lending through their inefficiency? Yes a fair few people had jobs but it was going nowhere and the end result was bankruptcy.


What you are now seeing is 13 years of pulling the wool over your eyes being lifted and segments of society being brought back in line with reality, there will be job cuts, people losing homes, and many other things but in a decades time we will be living in reality not a labour la la land. It was never going to last

At least we agree on this.
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This is not their problem they were elected to make radical reform and they are doing just that.



No, they weren't elected at all and that's precisely the problem. We now have an unelected PM who had to cosy up to the Liberals and bribe them with a little bit of power to get his feet under the desk. Having got into his slippers, the first thing he tried to do was to introduce a minimum fixed term government of 5 years. And what's more is that a thrid of the electorate were turned away from the polling stations without casting their vote. Does that sound fair? Is that a fair representation?


He is now making everyone pay, even if they can't afford to, and has started to threat people with cuts, what was it today? fixed term council tenancy, or in other words he is starting a class war on the back of the deficit budget.


He blamed the last government, thinking he has the support of the public, which he hasn't, for borrowing too much, despite the fact that if we hadn't borrowed, the banks would have collapse and the ATMs were just about to dry up meaning that people wouldn't be able to buy food. It was that close, believe me, it was kept quiet to keep public order. He his now running around the world trying to get countries to invest in the UK. Investment is just another term for borrowing - nobody in their right mind would invest money if they didn't get a good return and their money back.

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I'd love to know where all these jobs the "workshy" are going to be pushed into are. There's a recession on you know!


I know a number of unemployed people and they all really want to work. I don't see why they should be subjected to humiliating electronic scanning every time they purchase something in a shop. I think if someone reading this was really depressed about not being able to find work the bigotry on here could push them over the edge...I literally felt suicidal when I was made redundant and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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I'd love to know where all these jobs the "workshy" are going to be pushed into are. There's a recession on you know!


I know a number of unemployed people and they all really want to work. I don't see why they should be subjected to humiliating electronic scanning every time they purchase something in a shop. I think if someone reading this was really depressed about not being able to find work the bigotry on here could push them over the edge...I literally felt suicidal when I was made redundant and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I lost my job 10 months ago, not had a sniff of work since, so don't bother preaching.


Personally, I haven't felt suicidal, I don't have any thoughts of that kind, so don't try laying that at my door. Some of have what's required to just plod on, some of don't and give up, if you feel this forum is becoming too much to cope with then log off.

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I lost my job 10 months ago, not had a sniff of work since, so don't bother preaching.


Personally, I haven't felt suicidal, I don't have any thoughts of that kind, so don't try laying that at my door. Some of have what's required to just plod on, some of don't and give up, if you feel this forum is becoming too much to cope with then log off.


Unfortunately the government will probably see you as a sponger despite the fact you're doing your damnedist to find work and they are trying to influence the public, probably without them realising it, to accept their way of thinking.


At what point does someone who is genuinely trying to find employment become a scrounger and therefore more susceptible to being pushed around, which is beneficial to nobody?

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I lost my job 10 months ago, not had a sniff of work since, so don't bother preaching.


Personally, I haven't felt suicidal, I don't have any thoughts of that kind, so don't try laying that at my door. Some of have what's required to just plod on, some of don't and give up, if you feel this forum is becoming too much to cope with then log off.


Not my problem actually; luckily I got a job straightaway and haven't needed to claim any benefits in the last 18 years. I just find the attitudes on this and similar threads amazing - that people already down on their luck should be further humiliated and punished for the sin of being unable to find work.


But interesting you think everyone else is a scrounger and not you!

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Unfortunately the government will probably see you as a sponger despite the fact you're doing your damnedist to find work and they are trying to influence the public, probably without them realising it, to accept their way of thinking.
The average person actively seeking employment will be inconvenienced for a relatively short period of time, compared to the long term work-shy.


I'm prepared to take them at their word, in assuming that working for a living is to become more beneficial that choosing not to work, I'm willing to give the government the benefit of the doubt on this one, because I've no desire to remain unemployed any longer than necessary.




Posted by Mecky

At what point does someone who is genuinely trying to find employment become a scrounger and therefore more susceptible to being pushed around, which is beneficial to nobody?

Anyone satisfying their job seeking criteria have nothing to fear.
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