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Conman insults Pakistan

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Pakistan has lost hundreds more soldiers than NATO and hundreds of civilians killed in bombings on Pakistani cities by the Taliban since it embarked on the war on terror in the tribal areas.


At the same time that Pakistan is fighting an American war the US continuously carries out drone attacks on Pakistani soil clamming they are targeting militants but the hundreds of dead by and large turn out to be innocent civilians. Pakistan has been totally destabilised by this pointless American lead offensive in Afghanistan and all Cameron can do is add insult to injury by calling Pakistan a terrorist country which just goes to show how little Pakistan’s sacrifices are appreciated. Pakistan doesn't need to be involved in this stupid war it would be much better of out of it


Cameron’s comments were based on speculation in wikileaks the actual evidence in there confirms that NATO is committing war crimes in Afghanistan. Funny how the BBC and Sky news has sugar coated over this hard evidence and instead concentrated on speculation about Pakistan.


It's about time Pakistan told the US to go jump in the lake and not just Pakistan but other countries helping this deluded Afghanistan mission with no clear objective. Pakistan should focus on rebuilding its own country and work in the interests of its own people but I doubt this will ever happen without some sort of revolution to uproot its inherintly corrupt political system.

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If pakistan has kept it's neighbour in check in the first place there would be no need for us to go in, but come on honestly did you think having the americans and our lads over there would not destabalize the entire region?.


They said it when the war started and it's coming true, did we listen......no!...tough titty and all that, now bring them home, hold our heads in shame and let the middle east decend into the chaos that is it's destiny.

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Uppercut, it seems to have not occured to you that the PM's comments were not based on some old reports posted on a website but the current inteligence information available to him as Prime Minister but not to you or I that confirm what everybody already knows anyway that elements within Inter Services Intelligence are still colaborating with the taliban.


Nobody doubts that Pakistan has more than many countries suffered the depravities of islamic terrorism and it's armed forces have made great sacrifices in confronting and killing the jihadis in the tribal regions. However pointing out that elements within ISI are working with the taliban is no more insulting to Pakistan and it's people and armed forces than pointing out that for a decade British inteligence allowed the Abu Hamzas and Abu Quatadas of the world to set up shop in the UK on the basis of if we left them alone they would not target britain even when we knew they were plotting terrorist acts overseas.


Inteligences services get it wrong and there may be some within the ISI who beleive by working with the afghan taliban they are reducing the risk to Pakistan just as there were those in MI5 who belived being a safe haven for islamic militants made britain safer as they would disaude fellow travellers from attacking Britain.


Both approaches were wrong and it's not an attack on Pakistan or Britain to point this out.

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Sorry, I don't quite understand the thread title? :confused:


I realise the user 'uppercut' is 'new' to the forum, but surely he can at least ensure his thread title is understandable?


I think he's trying to be witty.


Conservative man shortened to Conman, ie the PM. Like the hilarious Condem headlines in the left wing press.


All very grown up. :roll:

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I think he's trying to be witty. Conservative man shortened to Conman, ie the PM. Like the hilarious Condem headlines in the left wing press. All very grown up. :roll:
I know, I was being disingenuous, I just wanted him to have to say it ... ;)


I think he was angling for Cameron, without actually posting that. But then, he can't spell 'cosmopolitan' so .... :suspect:

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