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Should council houses have long term tenancies?

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But no one is talking about forcing old people who have lived in their council house for years onto the street.......................you sound as if you have caught the TITANIC .........."scare everyone [removed] disease" before you have engaged your brain!....................I notice he's had the wooden spoon out again then rode off into the sunset!


Not at all, I've been working all day young un.


Anyway, back to the thread, do you care to comment on it.

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I see the Libdems (well those not holding a Government position) have taken a stand on this issue, I have to say that for once I agree with them.


As an aside it does appear to be an odd coalition when something as radical as this can be dropped out in a Public meeting without the knowledge of one of the partners.



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lifes a bitch...isnt it....but our neighbours pay their rent so for the time being..the house is theirs...like it has been for the past 30 years....trouble is they are not really single..even though their kids have grown up and fled the nest....ones a widow the other a widower...

why should they be stuck in a flat surrounded by druggies....they like it here..happy days


Boot an old lady out who has worked and brought her family up all her life in that house.


Move a couple of hepatitus riddled smack heads into the ladies pride and joy, or a family of so called refugees who know no one in the area.


Yeh that sounds about right.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.


The breakdown of communities is a big part of the problems of today.


Try moving the old lady in Eastbanks post and see what a community can do.


Power to the people.

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I wonder if the Tories have thought this through to see how it sits with their other stated objectives:


Person hits the end of their 5 or 10 year period, Bailiff knocks on the door and evicts them.


THat person then presumably becomes Homeless and goes back to the COuncil, they presumably refuse him another home because he is intentionally homeless and either he finds Private accomodation or they put him up in Homeless.


Either way the Rent is a lot more and the Benefit bill goes up, the administration costs for Homeless and new tenant goes up.


So immediately there's extra cost to Housing Benefit and administration and that's before we consider the Government intrusion into peoples lives that they are so keen to stop.


It just seems to me that this is a poorly thought out idea designed to get Council Housing into Government hands, so that it can be sold off to make their rich friends richer.


Typical Tories some would say!

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Boot an old lady out who has worked and brought her family up all her life in that house.


Move a couple of hepatitus riddled smack heads into the ladies pride and joy, or a family of so called refugees who know no one in the area.


Yeh that sounds about right.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.


The breakdown of communities is a big part of the problems of today.


Try moving the old lady in Eastbanks post and see what a community can do.


Power to the people.



the watch are busy doing some relocation-relocation on some toe rag upsetting the elderly around S13....you know it makes sense....:hihi::hihi: happy days mate

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You get two kinds of people in council accomodation.


One is the people who spend thousands making it nice inside and out and are a tribute to their community, and make a home for life.


The others are the scraggends that move in do nothing, let their dogs run wild and crap all over the place, lay about on their scrounging fat arses while the social services or community work programme do their gardens, scream the loudest when things don't go their way and generally bring the area down.


Which neighbour would you prefer?.

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You continue to repeat the selfish attitude, when we've already established what it is. You are not moving the discussion forwards.



yes and the old ones are not for moving....they are not selfish just like living around here whats wrong with that...

so where would you put them...you'd need to re-locate six properties...any idea where you are moving them...let me know and i'll put it to them...happy days

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You get two kinds of people in council accomodation.


One is the people who spend thousands making it nice inside and out and are a tribute to their community, and make a home for life.


The others are the scraggends that move in do nothing, let their dogs run wild and crap all over the place, lay about on their scrounging fat arses while the social services or community work programme do their gardens, scream the loudest when things don't go their way and generally bring the area down.


Which neighbour would you prefer?.



can i have a scraggy one if it makes headingnorth happy....whats your preference mate...another scragger...:hihi::hihi:happy days

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Have they stopped to consider that all the people in these circumstances, will be paying full rent & council tax without claiming rebates. If you throw them all out you will leave only tenants who are having their rent & council tax paid for them with public money.

Result is, 100% of council tenants would then be living rent free & council tax free - sounds as though that would be an expensive option when they are supposedly cutting back on public spending.


I agree, i was trying to make that point earlier.

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