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How many dates before you have sex with someone?

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I didn't think people went on "dates" anymore. I've only been on one in my life. In my experience people get to know one another through friends and social occasions, going to the same places, arranging nights out with mates etc....


I think that the culture has changed somewhat, since online dating took off.

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I think about ' one date before sex ' is about the norm, these days. Back in the '50 's and '60's, I remember, it often took two dates or even three, before us young ones got down to the ' nitty-gritty ' [ and Sheffield was VERY gritty in those far-off days ! ].


Being very broad-minded and easy-going, so to speak, I would add that before some gay ' nitty-gritty ', it wasn 't even necessary to actually go on a date. I don 't know about these days-----maybe it 's about the same ?


Back in the 50 's & 60 's, a first date and first-time sex, were often ' rolled into one ' at the local cinema. The warmth, the darkness......and maybe the film [ ? ] all combined to explode those teenage hormones. Another ingredient in the whole business was whether your parents had gone out or not. If they had decided to go down the local pub, for example, could mean that with a quick bit of ' people-smuggling ', one could often have sex very early on in a relationship ; probably well before any ' date ' .


I suppose some people need lots of dates before they take the plunge [ sic ! ] but, personally, I think that 's a bit timid. ' Grab the iron, whilst it 's hot ' is my motto, but, of course, sometimes one 's fingers DO get burned !

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