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Health - Constant nausea / sickness advice?

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Hi all,


I’m not sure if anyone can help but I thought I’d post here to see if you can.


Basically, I’ve been feeling nauseous pretty all day since waking up until I eventually fall asleep. I went to the doctors about 10 weeks ago and she told me it could be overacting stomach acid and prescribed me a month’s worth of antibiotics. These cleared it up temporarily but it has returned with a vengeance. I feel sick before I eat, while I eat and after, during the day and when I go to bed I feel the same until I actually fall asleep. I’ve never actually been sick but I do lose my appetite and cant seem to finish meals anymore, and my portion sizes have gone down.


I am male, 26, and a healthy weight of 13 stone for my height at 5”10 and am physically in good condition, but this is starting to annoy me as it seems to be persist. I would go back to the doctors but it always seems like a waste of time and wondered if anyone could offer any advice or have experienced anything similar.


The only aspect of my life that has changed is I stopped smoking 4 months ago and although I’ve relapsed the odd one on a night out ( 3 times since stopping) I only smoked 10 a day anyway and my quitting process was fairly easy (ie – no major shifts in health etc.).


Any advice or experiences you can offer will be highly appreciated.





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  • 3 weeks later...

thats gone on a long time now, ask for a hospital appiontment for the camera down throat to check your stomach, that wont hurt you i've had it done and found out it was HBP (will try to spell it -- heleo bactor pylori)

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The fact that antibiotics seemed to help would suggest it could well be helicobacter pylori; I'm surprised that you have not been given a further course. Alternatively they could be looking at something like omeprazole or its relatives to control your acid.


I'm pretty sure the smoking will be unrelated.

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