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Just feeling down in the dumps

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straight to point i fell out with my parents as they kidnaped my kids from my bf while i was away with my daughter. my 20yr old has taken there side which i expected as they buy her, my 19yr old has taken a few steps away from them to keep out of it but still has contact with them, my 15 yr old son didnt understand why they did it but loves them too i cant really keep him away he is at that age, but the child they really want is my youngest 6yr, they took my boys and palmed the eldest off wiv his sister for the week, they let my son walk all over them he is like lord fontlaroy, and when he comes back he is a little <removed> really talks to me like <removed> so i stopped him going as when i asked them to stop it they said hes only 6 and thats what grandparents do im sorry but mine never did and i had more respect for mine.

my dad speaks to mum like it so i see taught behaviour. and this is why they kidnapped them, because i wont let my younger 1 round to see them so now i dont let him hav anything to do with him.

but with that my eldest has just sent me a tx saying the boys are welcome to mine anytime but i dont want anything to do with you with what you have done to nan and grandad with the boys.

i just feel so empty my kids mean everything to me my other daughter lives in buckingham doing what she loves, my eldest just lives round the corner as do my parents, iv always been close to the girls but now just feel empty and worthless im just a spare part for the boys all i do lately is cry im sooooooooooooooo fed up.

please no rants :(

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iv done nothing they think im wrong as i wont let my youngest round. i grounded him for being naughty and with that i said he goes were i go not were he wants to go. they blamed my bf for it because my ex would just palm him off instead of dealing with his tantrums. my son has been a different kid since i stopped him going round. my daughter thinks it ok for my dad to come round to my house demand my kids from my bf threaten him with my brother an kick him out my house because he cant have his own way with my son.


i told them it was kidnap they have no rights at all to my kids they have everything they need and want from me. i was in tunisia when this all kicked off i had no phone that worked and when my bf got threw to me my mom was there getting the boys things igot him to put here on and gave her the biggest mouth of abuse going i was fuming i told her she would never get her hands on my boys again so make the most of the week and hated her for what she was doing. iv been with my bf for a yr and the kids get on well with him he takes taime with them morethan there dad does so i couldnt understand why i still dont but my mom told a neighbour she prefered my ex because he let them have brett all the time.

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im a bit confussed as you seem very upset and that comes across in your posting style as it seems like a rant and hard to understand (thats not a dig)


so you have 4 children, a 20 year old girl, a 19 year old, a 15 year old son and a 6 year old son?


firstly you say you fell out with your parents, is that because you limited the amount of time you allowed your child to spend there because of his attitude when he comes back?


so have they kidnapped the 15 year old and the 6 year old?


it seems like some of your children (the eldest ones i think) think the grass is greener with their grandparents and unfortunately i dont think theres much you can do to change their view to be honest they will have to learn what they are really like on their own and if they are as bad as you say then the kids will discover that on their own in time and you will just have to wait for that time and belive me they will come home with their tails inbetween their legs!


when you say kidnapped are you saying they wont let the kids come home even if they wanted to or have the kids said they want to stay there?


either way the only way forward is to contact the police and tell them the situation and that you want them home with you and see a solicator then maybe you can arrange through the courts or social services or summat supervised visits their your youngest kids and the grandparents, i know they or you might not like it but belive me it will at least make you look like you are trying for the sake of your kids to still let them see their grandchildren.


sometimes kids always see things in black and white and/or right and wrong in life and will rebel against parents for the slightlest thing and yes sadly if your parents have spoilt them then they will of course favour them over you sadly children dont always realize the true value of a parents love for them until they actualy truly need it and they often see our attempts at keeping them safe as restricting them even though it is done because we love them so much they wont see this. dont be too hard on your children regarding this situation it seems like they might have been manipulated a little bit but its not hard to do with kids im afraid.


good luck and wish you all the best with it hun.

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iv done nothing they think im wrong as i wont let my youngest round. i grounded him for being naughty and with that i said he goes were i go not were he wants to go. they blamed my bf for it because my ex would just palm him off instead of dealing with his tantrums. my son has been a different kid since i stopped him going round. my daughter thinks it ok for my dad to come round to my house demand my kids from my bf threaten him with my brother an kick him out my house because he cant have his own way with my son.


i told them it was kidnap they have no rights at all to my kids they have everything they need and want from me. i was in tunisia when this all kicked off i had no phone that worked and when my bf got threw to me my mom was there getting the boys things igot him to put here on and gave her the biggest mouth of abuse going i was fuming i told her she would never get her hands on my boys again so make the most of the week and hated her for what she was doing. iv been with my bf for a yr and the kids get on well with him he takes taime with them morethan there dad does so i couldnt understand why i still dont but my mom told a neighbour she prefered my ex because he let them have brett all the time.


you need to cut off all contact with your parents and concentrate on your kids

theres not much you can do about your older children seeing them im afraid but id reccomend supervised visits for your youngest child with them and then tell them if they send gifts when it isnt christmas or birthdays etc then they will be returned. this way they cannot over indulge your child and they will have to actually bond with him and then at least your child will be able to see what they are like behind all the gifts and money.

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they kidnapped them while i was away for the week i told them they had to return my kids when i got back and they did. sorry for the misunderstanding


its ok its understandable :)


then id deffo do what i suggested with the police and supervised visits!

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it was ok when i left we were all ok it all happened when i was away. my boys were happy to stay with the bf they had days out planned id made pies and stuff in freezer for them so they were ok id made sure they were ok from day 1 they just wanted him and with me not being there it made it easier for them to take them my bf has a bad heart and doesnt do confrontation it made him bad with my dads threatening behaviour in front of the boys when i got my boys back my eldest went to punch me i told him to do it go on i said do it and ur no better than your grandad and i know you are he gave me a love and told me he loved me but grandad had told him that when i go brett will be put in care and he will be left with no1 i told him if i left brett would g to his dad as well as him, my 19yr old told him neither of you will go to our dad as she would have them. they have told them alsort of bull while iv been away and im still trying to rebuild. im fighting for everything again. but im not going to run away or they will think they have won my dad thinks he is something from the mafia they have pushed us kids away but want my kids in place.

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