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Gaza Tunnels big enough to drive cars through.

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Sorry, what is your point?


Of course the tunnels, any tunnels, are too small to get enough aid through for four million people....


Maybe, maybe not. But, it doesn't really matter since the overland border is open for any goods other than those for the military.


So, what sort of things would you need to take through a secret tunnel?

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A tunnel that big can’t be easy to hide, why haven’t they been blow up?

The report clearly showed that there are enough of these massive tunnels to bring all manner of items through including camels.

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Are you under the impression that there is a huge constant amount of aid which could fill the tunnels 24/7?


Besides which, wouldn't a car be something you can put food etc in, with the added advantage that the food now has wheels?

All the many new cars in Gaza arrive through these tunnels.

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Are you under the impression that there is a huge constant amount of aid which could fill the tunnels 24/7?


Besides which, wouldn't a car be something you can put food etc in, with the added advantage that the food now has wheels?

The point is priorites, which is more important food or cars and rockets?

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do you have a source so we know what you're on about?

They were shown yesterday with the reporter going round the many 'new car' dealers.

Remember these people can't get humanitarian aid in but cars, rockets and ammo no trouble.:loopy:

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They were shown yesterday with the reporter going round the many 'new car' dealers.

Remember these people can't get humanitarian aid in but cars, rockets and ammo no trouble.:loopy:


I still don't see your point - in any society, there are going to be those who have, and those who don't - in this country, we have old people with no heating in the winter - we also have those who are rich and import cars from abroad. It's going to happen.

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So they can't get aid into Gaza through the so-called everso small aid tunnels.

Yesterday it was shown on the news that brand new cars are entring Gaza through the very same tunnels that the Palestinians claim they can't get humanitarian aid through (the same tunnels that they bring the rockets through).

The cars fetch twice the market price once they're in Gaza, not bad for a poor starving people is it.

To mask this they send confrontational boats with so called much needed 'Humanitarian Aid'.



the cars only go through the tunnels on a tuesday and sunday...thats when gazza hold their car boot sales......and they do a roaring trade

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ahh, found it


not sure where the aid claim comes into it though - surely the last thing smugglers are interested in is aid and charity, particularly when it can come overland via the egypt border?

There is supposed to be a government in Gaza, how can a smuggled car be openly on sale?

It just shows what a corrupt place this is.

Luxury items instead of so called needed items:loopy:, the real truth is people are being conned about the real situation Gaza.

The shortage in essentials is because of the wrong priorities in Gaza itself.

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