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Gaza Tunnels big enough to drive cars through.

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The people who build and run the tunnels for profit are not the Palestinian Authority.


The tunnels only exist because of Israel's blockade. When Israel discover the tunnels they blow them up.


It would not be possible to use the tunnels to pass sufficient goods for 4 million people. They would quickly be discovered.


Not so fast


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Sorry, what is your point?


Of course the tunnels, any tunnels, are too small to get enough aid through for four million people....


you've exagerated Gaza's population by 2500%. Gaza is home to 1.5 million people, not 4 million.


The tunnels are the result of an illegal blockage and occupation by Israel.


the blockade is not 'illegal' - and neither is Gaza 'occupied'. Israel withdrew in 2005.

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Whether the blockade is illegal or not (and the UN certainly think it is) is irrelevant to the argument that the OP was making though, not sure why he brought it up tbh.


a single UN Human Rights Commissioner declared the blockade illegal, voicnig her personal opinion, not any sort of legal judgement, on the basis that 'International humanitarian law prohibits starvation of civilians as a method of warfare', which is true, it does.


the problem for that UN Human Rights Commissioner is that nobody in Gaza is in actual fact starving.

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So they can't get aid into Gaza through the so-called everso small aid tunnels.

Yesterday it was shown on the news that brand new cars are entring Gaza through the very same tunnels that the Palestinians claim they can't get humanitarian aid through (the same tunnels that they bring the rockets through).

The cars fetch twice the market price once they're in Gaza, not bad for a poor starving people is it.

To mask this they send confrontational boats with so called much needed 'Humanitarian Aid'.


What sort of idiot are you??


Firstly, do you honestly think that smuggling stuff, whether food or cars or medicine, using tunnels that are constantly gassed and bombed by Israelis is something that people do out of choice? The fact that cars get smuggled shows that as in all societies, there will always be people who are quite well off.


Futhermore, who are you, sitting in your comfortable house in Derbyshire, to say that people should not be allowed cars? Or is it just 'enlightened' Westerners who are allowed to have access to what is now 19th century technology?


Finally, if you think that Israel stating that is is loosening restriction on goods into Gaza means anything, you ought to go visit there yourself. The reality is that getting stuff in and out of Gaza is always subject to the whims of vindictive border guards, endless delays and bureaucracy even on good day.


I would very much like to see those criticising Gazans for using tunnels put into a situation where the NHS denies you medical treatment because they don't like the look of you, or where traffic wardens can crush your car there and then for traffic violations, or where water companies cut of your water supply for no reason, or where police can shoot you like a dog on the street because you 'looked wrong'.


Armchair critics, do something useful with your life or shut up. For those who are going to criticise what I've just written, I know what I'm talking about as I've experienced life in the West Bank for myself, and the West Bank is a paradise compared to Gaza....

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What sort of idiot are you??...

Not a Gullible person like you, if the terrorists told you that the moon was made of green cheese you'd no doubt believe because one of your terrorist anti west friends told you so

Until now it has always been claimed by the anti west/Israel appollogists that the tunnels are the only way that the Palestinians can get Humanitarian Aid through into Gaza.

Well judging by the recent media shots & video looks like they succeded in conning the members of the 'Human Dustbin Brigade' (they'll take owt in, anti west most welcome).

"Sorry Mrs Ali your childs antibiotics weren't important enough we had to get a Chevrolet through the everso tiny tunnels for your cousin Mr Ali".:loopy:

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Not a Gullible person like you, if the terrorists told you that the moon was made of green cheese you'd no doubt believe because one of your terrorist anti west friends told you so

Until now it has always been claimed by the anti west/Israel appollogists that the tunnels are the only way that the Palestinians can get Humanitarian Aid through into Gaza.


I'd heard there was an Israeli blockade of supplies into Gaza, and the Israeli Army was so desperate for this blockade to continue in order to starve the Gazans as slowly and painfully as inhumanly possible, that they even murdered several Turkish citizens when they hijacked a ship full of peace protestors and supplies.


I must have heard wrong.


Thank you, for clearing this matter up.



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I'd heard there was an Israeli blockade of supplies into Gaza, and the Israeli Army was so desperate for this blockade to continue in order to starve the Gazans as slowly and painfully as inhumanly possible, that they even murdered several Turkish citizens when they hijacked a ship full of peace protestors and supplies. I must have heard wrong.

Thank you, for clearing this matter up.x

The gazans can get as much food, humanitarian aid, all essentials etc as theey need. The truth is that they choose to import rockets weaopns and munitions instead along with cars and all manner of luxury items for those making a vast profit out of the situation at the expense of their own people.

It amazes me how many gullible people there are on here, they get a hundred times as much through the tunnels each day as was carried aboard that trouble intentioned ship full of agitators.

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Which is another argument against the OP.
On the contrary it supports the OP, the Anti Israeli Pro Terrorist on here claim that there is a shortage of food, essentials and humanitarian aid.

The OP proves this to be a load of Bull.


Cars over essentials what a joke.:loopy:

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It amazes me how many gullible people there are on here, they get a hundred times as much through the tunnels each day as was carried aboard that trouble intentioned ship full of agitators.


Silly me, and there's me believing that UN spokespeople who had said that 80% of Palestinians were living off international aid because the Israelis had destroyed the Palestinian infrastructure.


I am eternally grateful to you for pointing out my faults.



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