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Gaza Tunnels big enough to drive cars through.

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...and neither is Gaza 'occupied'. Israel withdrew in 2005.


You failed to mention the stragehold that Israel has over Gaza, neither did you mention that Israel still occupies the West Bank.


Lucky I'm here to remind you, isn't it?



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Silly me, and there's me believing that UN spokespeople who had said that 80% of Palestinians were living off international aid because the Israelis had destroyed the Palestinian infrastructure.


I am eternally grateful to you for pointing out my faults.



What I sugest is that you take off your blinkers and view the video posted in an earlier reply, there is luxury and wealth in Gaza, it is created by Gazans at the expense of their own people.


You are obviously one of the Gullible individuals 'Who'll Take Owt In' (Human Dustbins).


It is people like you who are responsible for most of these problems by the way you keep expecting us to prop up these corrupt regimes with aid etc that the scum at the top steal and sell on to fund their corruption.


What I sugest is take off you blinkers and go to post #19 where it says 'found it' and open your eyes to the full true picture of the real Gaza today and not the fairytale gaza.

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It is people like you who are responsible for most of these problems by the way you keep expecting us to prop up these corrupt regimes with aid etc that the scum at the top steal and sell on to fund their corruption.


Heh heh heh.


I don't need lessons in how to think from an apologist of Israeli terrorism.


But thank you for your generous offer.



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Heh heh heh.


I don't need lessons in how to think from an apologist of Israeli terrorism.


But thank you for your generous offer.



You obviously need lessons in something regarding how palestinians are responsible for their own present position.


Rich palestinians getting richer poor palestinians getting poorer, all the fault of the israelis and the west and anyone else except the stupid terrorists in gaza who keep firing rockets into Israel:loopy:.

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