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I admit I was wrong about the tories

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At the time of the general election I had a hatred for the labour party and to be honest still do. They wasted so much money and told so many lies that have cost the lives of hundreds of our soldiers, never mind what they did to our econemy!


I assumed that the tories would be the ones to sort out the countries financial mess and no doubt they will reduce the deficit, but they are still the same old tories ive read about from the past.



Every single day in the papers we are getting stories about cutting benefits, cutting this cutting that... but almost everything they cut is targetting the poorest people in the country (people who dont vote tory).


Now before people start slating people on benefits again... let me point out one single thing... You can complain all you want about people on benefits, but what is going to happen if you cut their benefits? The jobs simply do not exist, or at least not enough jobs to give even 3/4 of benefit claimants a job.


Most jobs that do exist are part time or minimum wage jobs that would not be enough to support people with families.



So yes, I was wrong about the tories, I thought they would be good, but no they are just bullies. I am not sure the country has any decent political party that would do our country proud. I voted lib dem, but I was probably wrong about them as well.

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I would never vote Lib Dem again either. Mind you they are all a bunch of prats regardless of their party.


cutting the defecit is not going to be easy and there are difficult decisions to make, but sadly the Tories care little for the normal person on the street and they will be the ones to suffer. It is hard to understnad what it must be like to be poor when you come from a background of wealth.

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Poverty is always a choice. Everyone gets an education and has the opportunity to go on to get the qualifications that will enable them to get a well paid job. Those who've ended up on benefits chose not to do that and have only themselves to blame.

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Jackie - So everyone can get a well paid job? Do you not think there are only so many well paid jobs? While I agree with your thinking to some extent, I think you cannot be quite so black and white in your judgement. Everyone on benefits choses to be on benefits? I can see many thinkgs wrong with that, so many I will not start as I haven't got the time to list them all.

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Every single day in the papers we are getting stories about cutting benefits, cutting this cutting that... but almost everything they cut is targetting the poorest people in the country (people who dont vote tory).


My long answer got lost when my browser crashed.


In summary though it said


a) the deficit needs tackling

b) this can be done by raising more revenue and/or reducing spending

c) the government is using a combo of both the above

d) a lot of government spending is on the poorest - they redistribute wealth - so sadly if spending is cut it will affect them

e) the wealthier (net contributors) will pay more in tax



Shame, my answer was much better before, but I don't have time to do it again!

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I assumed that the tories would be the ones to sort out the countries financial mess and no doubt they will reduce the deficit, but they are still the same old tories ive read about from the past.




Pity you didn’t live under a Tory government rather than just read about one, live and learn don’t we. :(



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And the Tories will ride high on the wave of the money from the banks which is due to start coming back into the economy. The Lloyds Banking Group this morning announced a 1.5 billion pound profit in the first 6 months of trading. The debts will be repaid, Gordon Brown won't get any of the credit for it and Cameron and the Lib Dems will continue with the savage cuts in public services in spite of an economic upturn. How soon we forget.

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Poverty is always a choice. Everyone gets an education and has the opportunity to go on to get the qualifications that will enable them to get a well paid job. Those who've ended up on benefits chose not to do that and have only themselves to blame.


Tell that one to the uni leavers going to work in mcdonalds cause there are no jobs available in their area of expertise.

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Tell that one to the uni leavers going to work in mcdonalds cause there are no jobs available in their area of expertise.


It's not the fault of the government if there are no jobs in a particular field though is it? And it certainly isn't the fault of this government, they've only ben in power 3 months.

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Every single day in the papers we are getting stories about cutting benefits, cutting this cutting that... but almost everything they cut is targetting the poorest people in the country (people who dont vote tory).


You were genuinely surprised by this ?

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