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I admit I was wrong about the tories

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there are a hell of a lot thats have made there money long after anything like that and have made it for them selfs if there children grandsons/grandaughters and so on are benefiting of that then why not surely thats there right!?


feel bit of a fraud discussing anything relating to politics when i didn't vote (i couldn't vote on the day) but what your suggesting is more than extreme and unfair[/QUOTE]


So you think that if one of your ancestors made lots of money 300 years ago that you have the right to be born into that money and never do a days work in your life?

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So you think that if one of your ancestors made lots of money 300 years ago that you have the right to be born into that money and never do a days work in your life?


yes i do.


personaly don't come from money but don't think those who do should be robbed of what there forefathers worked for.

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The situation that we have reached today is that we have very well established families who have always had wealth and always will. The kids never have to work as they are born rich. It is a very unfair system, something must change to introduce a modicum of fairness into society.

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At the time of the general election I had a hatred for the labour party and to be honest still do. They wasted so much money and told so many lies that have cost the lives of hundreds of our soldiers, never mind what they did to our econemy!


I assumed that the tories would be the ones to sort out the countries financial mess and no doubt they will reduce the deficit, but they are still the same old tories ive read about from the past.



Every single day in the papers we are getting stories about cutting benefits, cutting this cutting that... but almost everything they cut is targetting the poorest people in the country (people who dont vote tory).


Now before people start slating people on benefits again... let me point out one single thing... You can complain all you want about people on benefits, but what is going to happen if you cut their benefits? The jobs simply do not exist, or at least not enough jobs to give even 3/4 of benefit claimants a job.


Most jobs that do exist are part time or minimum wage jobs that would not be enough to support people with families.



So yes, I was wrong about the tories, I thought they would be good, but no they are just bullies. I am not sure the country has any decent political party that would do our country proud. I voted lib dem, but I was probably wrong about them as well.


If you had lived through the 80s you would have known this. :loopy:

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