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Help with college fees on JSA?

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Surely if you are at college you aren't entitled to job seekers allowance cos you aren't available for work?!


you can but you have to sign a statement that you will continue to actively seek work and that if work becomes available you will give up study and take the work.


I did this myself once, allbeit about 10 years ago now. I hated just being sat around not able to find work and wanted to at least try to better myself in that time to increase my chances, but they did make it difficult. However, there is a lot more help in place these days though with EMA and training for people who have been on jsa a while, so i would suggest going in and speaking to them and just explain that you dont want to be sat doing nothing etc whilever you cant find work. - I actually think people should be actively encouraged more to train/study while unemployed


also i believe on any means tested benefit (JSA included) you wouldnt have to pay college fees as long as studying over 16hours (FT), but just contact the college and ask how it stands with the specific course you want to study


good luck

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