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I have a serious problem, I can't stop biting my nails!

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I have a serious nail biting problem, i'm 28, don't smoke, drink socially (nights out when I can afford it), don't do drugs, i'm healthy and not over weight (about 11st 9lbs this morning) and I just can't stop biting my nails.


I have tried the nail varnish that is meant to stop me, but it doesn't work, I have also tried the various other things you can put on your fingers, but at the end of the day it washes off, or the 'taste' doesn't actually last that long :\


Hypnotherapy won't work on me (it doesn't for some people) and its too expensive any way.


I often have atleast one all the way down so there's no nail there (currently little finger on left hand has about 1mm of nail :/) and its embarassing when people see my fingers, I can't pick up flat things on flat surfaces, (or 5p or 10p coins etc)


its upsetting my g/f, and annoying me...


I have often stopped, and hit a couple of weeks, but then something just happens and I end up right back where I am, its often the feeling of the nail there (longer than i'm used to) and that drives me insane and I bite them back down.


I did think I had a calcium deficiency at one point, so I incresed my intake of dairy products, Vit C and Vit D and that didn't make any difference..


so, any other suggestions? this is REALLY getting me down! :(

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I too bite my nails, Not as bad you tho , although they do bleed and become sore, I have 5 long and 5 bitten, It does look horrid, I have tried alsorts over the years and nothing has worked as yet, I did get hypnotised for stoping smoking and she did extra sessions for my nails but Im still biting my nails and after 2 months 4 days free of smoking I started again lol What does it for me is if i feel a rought bit of nail, I have to chew it off, I know its vile but i cant help it and i do it without knowing aswell and its painful when you shower with sore nails, So i know how you feel but as for a solution I dont know :(

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Theres actually a liquid you can get on that makes them tastes horrid, I know thats what they give kids that do it or used to from the doctors.


Maybe google ?


It's called 'Bitter Alloes'

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