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"Talibanisation" of children

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It seems you have problems reading and understanding English.There were no deaths or injuries in the Ashkelon attack, which was anyway widely reported. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/31/world/middleeast/31mideast.html.


Oh so they have to do a head count before they can retaliate to terrorist rockets, that beggars belief.


1)No Isreali deaths means that there are no Isreali deaths to report. When there are Isreali deaths, even one they are reported. when there is an attack and no deaths it still reported.


Are you disapointed that there were no deaths or that it wasnt headline news?


2) what did the the government do with the IRA, Retaliate every time there was a bomb?

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"Talibanisation" of children"?????

As with all religion this thread should be called.

"How to abuse children and totaly screw up thier lives by telling them there is a magic man in the sky"


So people who believe in "the magic man in the sky" have screwed up their lives?:huh::huh::huh:

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what is Talibanisation by the way is that some new media slogan? Shame the same media do not show how american troops slaughter entire families of Afghani reistance fighters including women and and little babys. They keep banging on about the Taliban like its some monster who has taken over Afghanistan. The Taliban are simply local Afgahns mainly from the Pastun tribe who do not want to be occupied by foreign forces. The sooner people in the west realise this the sooner this pointless occupation can come to an end which will also ease tension in this country because at the moment innocent muslims are being massacred and british troops are dying for nothing while politicians and state controlled media keep lying.


That's BS and you know it. Even the uneducated can see through your lame argument. You won't change public opinion so don't bother trying.

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So people who believe in "the magic man in the sky" have screwed up their lives?:huh::huh::huh:


Yes. They are totaly barking mad.

Now if the big fella (or lady, got to be pc in these modern times) decides to pop down for a visit and show him/herself then ill happily change my opinion and say that its the non believers who are the screwed up ones.

Untill then

God = :loopy:


One more thing.


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Yes. They are totaly barking mad.

Now if the big fella (or lady, got to be pc in these modern times) decides to pop down for a visit and show him/herself then ill happily change my opinion and say that its the non believers who are the screwed up ones.

Untill then

God = :loopy:


One more thing.


You seem quite upset my friend, you know like if someone had just screwed up their life and want to blame someone else for it:hihi:


Have you heard of live and let live? The Muslims are practicing it, but for doing that it's seen as a weakness and every jumped up Islamophobe wants to dictate how Muslims should live, how they should pray, what they should wear and even how they should think or even interpret Islam for the Muslims.:loopy:


the Muslims are not dictating anything to you so why do you feel you can be rude and obnoxious to Muslims and all the time pretend that makes you somehow better. No my friend it just shows you are weak minded ready to attribute blame on others for your own failings.

All Muslims are not Taliban and it would take more than reading the daily Mail to work out the differences.

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You seem quite upset my friend, you know like if someone had just screwed up their life and want to blame someone else for it:hihi:


Have you heard of live and let live? The Muslims are practicing it, but for doing that it's seen as a weakness and every jumped up Islamophobe wants to dictate how Muslims should live, how they should pray, what they should wear and even how they should think or even interpret Islam for the Muslims.:loopy:


the Muslims are not dictating anything to you so why do you feel you can be rude and obnoxious to Muslims and all the time pretend that makes you somehow better. No my friend it just shows you are weak minded ready to attribute blame on others for your own failings.

All Muslims are not Taliban and it would take more than reading the daily Mail to work out the differences.



You crack me up you really do.


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You seem quite upset my friend, you know like if someone had just screwed up their life and want to blame someone else for it:hihi:


Have you heard of live and let live? The Muslims are practicing it, but for doing that it's seen as a weakness and every jumped up Islamophobe wants to dictate how Muslims should live, how they should pray, what they should wear and even how they should think or even interpret Islam for the Muslims.:loopy:


the Muslims are not dictating anything to you so why do you feel you can be rude and obnoxious to Muslims and all the time pretend that makes you somehow better. No my friend it just shows you are weak minded ready to attribute blame on others for your own failings.

All Muslims are not Taliban and it would take more than reading the daily Mail to work out the differences.

Interesting statement there..have muslims heard of it by the way?

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this is just the thing jew boy, its funny how in the press you only ever see what the israelies have done to the palestinians, and never what the palestinians have done to the israelies. its all very one sided.


Really? Are you sure you haven't been reading the celebrity magazines and watching the makeover telly programmes?


Let's look at who owns our (ho ho) 'one-sided' media:


In the right corner, we have The Sun newspaper, owned by the Jewish pornographer Rupert Murdoch.

Also in the right corner, we have The Daily Star, owned by Jewish pornographer Richard Desmond.

And backing them up on the Far Right ;) The Daily Express, also owned by Jewish pornographer Richard Desmond.

Now, the Daily Mail, not Jewish owned, but does employ the services of the venomously pro-Israel Melanie "Mad Mel" Phillips

And finally we have the Daily Telegraph, once owned by 'Lord' Black, married to the venomous attack-dog of a Jewish wife 'Lady' Amiel.


One-sided media? Too right, and it's all in Israel's favour


Even the (ho ho) 'liberal' BBC daren't provide one minute of pro-Palestinian coverage unless they also provide several minutes of slick, Israeli propaganda media coverage.


Did any of the above newspapers criticise Israel? Please, inundate us with links if you speak the truth.




Finally, let me emd by saying that if you proud, peace-loving Jews are upset at all the criticism Israel gets for killing children, don't you think Israel should stop killing children?


x x

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