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"Talibanisation" of children

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And execute the ones over ten who are educated.


Possibly, I don't know, but like any government, I suspect they don't like people thinking for themselves, especially if they may have differing political opinions.

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Whist i dont agree that glamorising the defence of our nation by allowing kids the opportunity to 'personalise a projectile' is a good idea. If, Israel was not been subjected to daily assaults by terrorist neighbours then these activities wouldnt happen.

Peace and love :)


here here, well said.

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Whist i dont agree that glamorising the defence of our nation by allowing kids the opportunity to 'personalise a projectile' is a good idea. If, Israel was not been subjected to daily assaults by terrorist neighbours then these activities wouldnt happen.

Peace and love :)


I wouldn't have thought that Israel, the nation responsible for atrocities such as the King David Hotel bombing in jerusalem that killed dozens of our British soldiers, would be in a position to accuse any other nation of terrorism.


Maybe if you gave all of Palestine back to the Palestinians, they wouldn't need to fight you any more.


Have you thought about that?



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So what do you teach a kid who is constantly under terrorist attack from the suurounding countries?


Maybe teach him that there is a genuine reason why a small handful of those neighbours feel aggrieved and that the entire race/religion are not to be blamed for the actions of a minuscule minority. Maybe.


Or you could teach him that all arabs are bad and evil so that the child will inevitably grow up with a default hatred and intolerance to other cultures thus ensuring that the cycle of cultural mistrust and fear continues into the next generation.


Whichever you think is the grown up and sensible choice really.

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Incredible, isn't it? The same Israelis who bomb schools, hospitals and other civilian targets and litter Southern Lebanon with thousands of unexploded cluster bombs. I think I know now why there will not be peace in the Middle East - clue, it's not the Arabs that are the problem.


The actions of the Israeli army disgusts me on so many levels.


Where is the international media outcry at these pictures?


Now I'm against the death penalty in most cases, but then again Gilad Shalit is a member of the same Israeli Army that kills Arab civilians and Western peace protestors with impunity, before responding with murderous rampage when - shock, horror - the Palestinans attempt to repel Israel's Middle-East landgrab with a few unguided rocket.s


So while on the one hand I wouldn't want Gilad to be executed, and the act publicised on telly, another part of me thinks I don't particularly think he deserves to live, either.



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So what do you teach a kid who is constantly under terrorist attack from the suurounding countries?


What would you tell Palestinian children? That they should clear off because god gave their land to the jews?



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Possibly, I don't know, but like any government, I suspect they don't like people thinking for themselves, especially if they may have differing political opinions.
Under the taleban it was a capital offence for a women to receive an education.
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Incredible, isn't it? The same Israelis who bomb schools, hospitals and other civilian targets and litter Southern Lebanon with thousands of unexploded cluster bombs. I think I know now why there will not be peace in the Middle East - clue, it's not the Arabs that are the problem.


The actions of the Israeli army disgusts me on so many levels.


Where is the international media outcry at these pictures?


Now I'm against the death penalty in most cases, but then again Gilad Shalit is a member of the same Israeli Army that kills Arab civilians and Western peace protestors with impunity, before responding with murderous rampage when - shock, horror - the Palestinans attempt to repel Israel's Middle-East landgrab with a few unguided rocket.s


So while on the one hand I wouldn't want Gilad to be executed, and the act publicised on telly, another part of me thinks I don't particularly think he deserves to live, either.



Where were you when the rockets that they find easier to import than essentials were being fired daily into Israel at women and children?

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Maybe teach him that there is a genuine reason why a small handful of those neighbours .
A small handful of neighbours? Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Lybia, talk about a biased onesided prejudiced angle:loopy:
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What would you tell Palestinian children? That they should clear off because god gave their land to the jews?


So what do you teach a kid who is constantly under terrorist attack from the suurounding countries?

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