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"Talibanisation" of children

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I notice the Israel supporters are mostly the same people name-calling those of Pakistan origin inferring that they are traiters for supporting Pakistan cricket team. ( Not that they deserve any support at the mo' :lol: )

Ironic that isn't it?

Who dug this poster up?

can you put it back!

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Yet one terror apologist traiter justifies murder of British soldiers by the Israelis.
Are you refering to me? if so please post a quote otherwhise I will ask mods to make you retract or substantiate what you have posted.
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Because the state of Israel shows the backwards 13th century medaeval arabs up for what they are, which is a de-evolving mentality culture.


So you don't think it is due to the fact that Israel has invaded most of those countries during its relatively short history, no?

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You see that is why there are problems around the world when dippos like you misquote people.

I didn't say that I condoned what happened I said why it happened, so please don't try and be clever it doesn't suit you.


Don't start denying it now, you're just starting to earn my respect.


Let me requote your post:


Had the British not gone back on a promise of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine along with interning Jewish survivors of the war in europe in camps on the island of Cyprus the King David Hotel incident would not have happened.


So you're blaming the British. Don't be denying it now, you little firecracker you :)



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Because the state of Israel shows the backwards 13th century medaeval arabs up for what they are, which is a de-evolving mentality culture.


I didn't know that was the justification for the Israeli army to murder thousands of Arab civilians. Truly, you are going up in my estimation :)



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Don't start denying it now, you're just starting to earn my respect.


Let me requote your post:


Had the British not gone back on a promise of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine along with interning Jewish survivors of the war in europe in camps on the island of Cyprus the King David Hotel incident would not have happened.


So you're blaming the British. Don't be denying it now, you little firecracker you :)




He is obviosly an Israeli apologist and seems to be sugesting the British deseved it at King David hotel, that doesn't sound patriotic at all.

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From what you have said idont think you were much educated over the age of 10

Such is the nature of extremists on all sides, lack of education, easily lead and usually gullible, they reflect one another and it's just like watching a daft parrot pecking at a mirror.

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