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Unfair or discrimination or is she just too sensitive?

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Such anti-discrimination laws, only ever serve to fan the flames of racial tension. You can't FORCE people to love and care for each other and to acknowledge each others' humanity; by trying to force that, that you are actually helping to create the opposite.


The anti discrimination laws dont just protect people of a different race, they protect other groups too including the disabled, however I doubt either of these children broke any law!

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You are totally right and its a belief that that is why multiculturalism won't work. The more you force and pressure an ideal on someone them more of a backlash to that ideal you will get.


..extending that logic, should we not place disabled kids in mainstream schools because they will encounter bigots?

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The anti discrimination laws dont just protect people of a different race, they protect other groups too including the disabled, however I doubt either of these children broke any law!


I guess the school was more afraid of backlash from the black child's parents then the disabled child's parents.

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It means they are a marked man or boy in this case for one flippant remark.


Hopefully the other child will also be a marked man too, and recalling my own encounters with teachers they don't need a card in order to remember your indiscretions, even years later ;)

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..extending that logic, should we not place disabled kids in mainstream schools because they will encounter bigots?
Im talking about multiculturalism in the sense of it being government policy to welcome anyone here and hope that they get on and if not making sure that laws will chastise those that don't agree or understand it. I was talking a bigger picture than a school classroom, but a school classroom can be a flash point as can anywhere else.


The problem with society is that now the race laws and ideal of multiculturalism supersedes everything else, even mental illness it would seem.

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Right heres the story.

Someone i know has a son who attends a local junior school, this child has mild special needs and is very sensitive to personal attacks and cannot express his emotions well.


Not long ago there was an incident in school where a child of ethnic minority picked on this child because of his disability, the child was deeply upset and made a remark about the colour of this kids skin. it went along the lines of ..


"well you're black and i am white"


My friend received a telephone call from school asking her to go in as a very serious incident had taken place. Please can i point out that my mates son has ungergone servere bullying at this school for the past two years and no support has been offered.


My mate went over to school and was deeply shocked to learn that her child had said something so hostile as he is not a racist child and racism of any form is just not tolerated in the household. she questioned the events leading up to the incident and was dismayed to find that the child of ethnic origin had taunted her child about his disability but what happened next shocked her beyond belief and to be honest it got my thinking too.


The teacher stated that because a racist term had been used her son would be given a severe behaviour card which she fully accepted and agreed with, however, when she asked if the other child would be treated in the same manor for being discrimating about a disability she was told that they had nothing in place against "those kind of remarks" and that the child in question had been spoken too and that was all.


She questioned her son as to why he had said that and he said he was merely stating a fact that he was white and the other child was black and nothing could be done about it the same as nothing could be done about his disabilty, he said he was not being racist at all but trying to point out that sometimes people are born that way and cannot chnge what it.


She is very upset as to why one form of discrimination appears to be ok but the other is not.


All this has done is breed racism in this case because my mates son now thinks that because the other child was black he got away with being discriminating towards him and no amount of trying to tell him otherwise has worked and to be fair i can see his point.

Do you feel my mate is being over sensitive in the matter?

Why didn't your friend appeal against it?. They could have written to the school board expressing their disappointment of there not being any disciplinary procedures set in place to deal with bigotry against disability. They could have then notified the school board of their disapproval of the blatantly obvious double standard from which they are operating.
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Im talking about multiculturalism in the sense of it being government policy to welcome anyone here and hope that they get on and if not making sure that laws will chastise those that don't agree or understand it. I was talking a bigger picture than a school classroom, but a school classroom can be a flash point as can anywhere else.


The problem with society is that now the race laws and ideal of multiculturalism supersedes everything else, even mental illness it would seem.


I guess it was just something they'd not thought about, it isn't an indication of a malaise in social conduct or a failure in multiculturism.


If I discovered any of my kids had been in anyway offensive to a disabled person, their arses would have been kicked round the park, but it has never been the case.

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