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Unfair or discrimination or is she just too sensitive?

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What do your kids have to do with this incident?, or my comments?.


You said that the colour of the black child would always have taken precedence, which appeared to be a general statement. I know that isn't true, from experience.

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I'm not surprised, I have experienced this kind of hierarchical discrimination at my children's school. I had to phone and make a complaint about two separate incidents of sustained homophobic bullying at my kids' school and pointed out that if this were racial abuse, it would have been acted upon sooner. My son drew my attention to both cases and he was instrumental in the school dealing with it, as well as standing up for his friends, one of whom has lesbian parents and the other who was being bullied for being 'gay'.


My son was also accused of being racist (he is mixed race himself and has not a prejudiced bone in his body) for offering to help an ethnic kid in his class, who was struggling, as he does with any child as he's extremely bright and also very altruistic and sensitive. It was the child's parents who made this utterly absurd claim and fortunately the school did not take it remotely seriously, believe you me I was on the phone to the head, tout de suite.

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You said that the colour of the black child would always have taken precedence, which appeared to be a general statement. I know that isn't true, from experience.
I don't understand why it would appear to you that I was generalizing?. I clearly stated that the boy's disability was irrelevant to the outcome due to the other boy's colour.


Does your personal experience come from dealing with the school in question?, or are you generalizing BF?

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..and what is the obvious?
The obvious is, that the black boy responsible for causing the incident received less punishment that the boy that retaliated. Why... because he accused the other boy of disrespecting his skin tone.
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The obvious is, that the black boy responsible for causing the incident received less punishment that the boy that retaliated. Why... because he accused the other boy of disrespecting his skin tone.


..and I've already said, more than once, that if its the case its not right, the two kids should have been dealt with equitably.


However, I find it odd that an isolated incident between two children, where one came off worse than the other in terms of punishment is highlighted, whereas the 2 year campaign of bullying that's so serious it's been referred to the Secretary of State for Education is the backstory, that's mentioned in passing.

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..and I've already said, more than once, that if its the case its not right, the two kids should have been dealt with equitably.


However, I find it odd that an isolated incident between two children, where one came off worse than the other in terms of punishment is highlighted, whereas the 2 year campaign of bullying that's so serious it's been referred to the Secretary of State for Education is the backstory, that's mentioned in passing.

If you check my post entries, you will notice that I've been replying to posters who's views differ from mine and have quoted my posts. I have every intention of discussing the additional information which as come to light.
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My sympathy goes out to you but don’t blame the school it’s the PC brigade that have taken over from common sense, when my so was at school a girl said he touched her “inappropriately” … that was it its out of their hands and a report was sent to social services :o nothing ever came of it but one as to ask what happened to that report?


Amen to that post!


PCP - a P.C. police victory

PCP - a P.C. pyrrhic victory

When I was young P.C. meant Police Constable

Nowadays I can't seem to tell the difference


(Manics PCP)

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Right heres the story.

Someone i know has a son who attends a local junior school, this child has mild special needs and is very sensitive to personal attacks and cannot express his emotions well.


Not long ago there was an incident in school where a child of ethnic minority picked on this child because of his disability, the child was deeply upset and made a remark about the colour of this kids skin. it went along the lines of ..


"well you're black and i am white"


My friend received a telephone call from school asking her to go in as a very serious incident had taken place. Please can i point out that my mates son has ungergone servere bullying at this school for the past two years and no support has been offered.


My mate went over to school and was deeply shocked to learn that her child had said something so hostile as he is not a racist child and racism of any form is just not tolerated in the household. she questioned the events leading up to the incident and was dismayed to find that the child of ethnic origin had taunted her child about his disability but what happened next shocked her beyond belief and to be honest it got my thinking too.


The teacher stated that because a racist term had been used her son would be given a severe behaviour card which she fully accepted and agreed with, however, when she asked if the other child would be treated in the same manor for being discrimating about a disability she was told that they had nothing in place against "those kind of remarks" and that the child in question had been spoken too and that was all.


She questioned her son as to why he had said that and he said he was merely stating a fact that he was white and the other child was black and nothing could be done about it the same as nothing could be done about his disabilty, he said he was not being racist at all but trying to point out that sometimes people are born that way and cannot chnge what it.


She is very upset as to why one form of discrimination appears to be ok but the other is not.


All this has done is breed racism in this case because my mates son now thinks that because the other child was black he got away with being discriminating towards him and no amount of trying to tell him otherwise has worked and to be fair i can see his point.

Do you feel my mate is being over sensitive in the matter?


what your saying says it all, one rule for them one for whites,tell your friend to sue the school. under relevent disability law.

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