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Fed up! , Sick of horrid people!

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Sat in the depths of depair, Why do some people do horrid things? why cant people just leave each other alone, because of someones spite and nastyness I have had to endure the most stressful and horrid event of my life today and still it goes on , all because someone has got the face on and cant get what they want. I just feel sick and empty, void of any emotion as Ive been stretched of all emotions for the last 3-4 weeks, I did hope after today it would all be over, but no its not, I feel like packing up and leaving everyone I know, the good and bad, Not sure how much more my sanity can take.

Sorry i know this is all a little vague but i had to share it with someone :(

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People can hurt you badly that's a certainty. Can you get away for a few days and unwind?


I hope you feel better for venting, although I guess not. It takes time to get over being betrayed, I know. Have a good stomp about and scream and wail a bit, cry 'til you give yourself a temperature and a headache and then have a nice long sleep.


Hope you feel better soon. (((x)))

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Sat in the depths of depair, Why do some people do horrid things? why cant people just leave each other alone, because of someones spite and nastyness I have had to endure the most stressful and horrid event of my life today and still it goes on , all because someone has got the face on and cant get what they want. I just feel sick and empty, void of any emotion as Ive been stretched of all emotions for the last 3-4 weeks, I did hope after today it would all be over, but no its not, I feel like packing up and leaving everyone I know, the good and bad, Not sure how much more my sanity can take.

Sorry i know this is all a little vague but i had to share it with someone :(


i am sat here with the exact same feelings.i could just get on the first coach,train bus anything to get the hell away from it all and everybody and a one way ticket at that.

there is only so much that anyone can take and you sound the same as me you have taken enough.

i am up to the limit and have nothing else to give,but family keep taking and giving nothing but grief back.

i have no real answer for you as i feel the same,but my thoughts are with you and hope you feel better soon and get it sorted.

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Thanks Ruby, Its just been one of those months where everything goes wrong and you feel the world is against you.

Anniversary of my dads death

my nan has died aged 93yrs

a certain scum bag has reported me for benefit fraud ( obviously im innocent but they dont know that so there investigating)

My dogs back end is on its way out

My sis has to have another major op

Ive got serious toothache and not got a dentist

I feel sick and Im just sick of all of it and putting a "brave face" on it

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Thanks Lint, I just keep thinking surely nothing else can go wrong and things must get better as at the moment they cant get any worse, I cant seem to function properly, My mind is everywhere and im either crying or sat "empty" and spaced out, Ive lost 10 lbs now in a month, Just fed up wish everything would go away

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I went through a period when someone in a position of power to me was horrible to me on a daily basis. I kept a diary during the time which helped me reflect on what was me being paranoid and what was downright dirty behaviour. It to this day had a dramatic effect on my self esteem as I'd never experienced bullying before and made me really quite poorly.


I then got promoted to a different department to this person which gave me greater confidence to speak out about their behaviour. I refused to go back and work with them when i was asked to, even though they wouldn't be my boss that time as I knew i didn't need that. Plus the diary was evidence of how I'd felt at the time. *


The diary idea i've used a couple of times since when I've been under periods of great stress when my emotional state has not allowed me to reflect on things there and then. It does help you to get it out, say exactly what you want to and it does help you to be able to go back and think what you would do differently next time.


Also sharing with people is important... i use this technique a lot as well... sorry for those I share with...


Another technique i use is,

Will this bother me tomorrow? No? Well don't worry about it now, let it go...

Will it bother me next month? Yes. Well what can I do about it?

Will it bother me next year? Yes. Do something now!!!


Good luck resolving your issue.


* P.S. The person didn't get sacked then but they did get sacked at a later stage for doing exactly the same thing... shame they did it to approx 20 people before something was done.

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Thanks Ruby, Its just been one of those months where everything goes wrong and you feel the world is against you.

Anniversary of my dads death

my nan has died aged 93yrs

a certain scum bag has reported me for benefit fraud ( obviously im innocent but they dont know that so there investigating)

My dogs back end is on its way out

My sis has to have another major op

Ive got serious toothache and not got a dentist

I feel sick and Im just sick of all of it and putting a "brave face" on it


I know how you feel, I started this year full of optimism but by the end of February i could quite merrily have given in.


But there is the rub.... Giving in gets nobody anywhere as does 'putting on a brave face' on things. Maybe the time has come where you must take charge of your life for yourself? It wont be easy but the choice of 'sink or swim' is entirely down to you.


Im sure you can do it.


Best of luck :)

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Ive been there so many times and learned to be positive. Do you feel that the more things go wrong, the more you feel cursed? If only one of those things happened, it may not be as bad but because it's one thing after another, you feel as if someone has it in for you. Be positive, easier said than done i know but the deeper you sink, the worse it feels. Handle one thing at a time and take each day as it comes. Don't feel like you should deal with everything all at once. I've been through your situation so many times and it actually made me ill. Be positive! Big hug for you:)

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i do hope that you get things sorted and start to feel better.

i am seriously thinking of going to docs on monday as i feel that i cannot cope at all at the moment.

maybe it would help for you to do the same.

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Thanks everyone, Sometimes I think i should just shut up moaning and feeling sorry for myself and just get on with it, but alot has happened in a short space of time, Im sure ill get through it all/

And yes i do feel "cursed" or that im being punished for something

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