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More over zealous police..

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hm i looked all over the site for that...7.19 bet it was upped after i looked :(


look at the fury of the guy hitting the windscreen tho

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I think the police had every right to do that. He drove off after they had pulled him over and then didn't pull over even though they followed him for 17 minutes! It has nothing to do with the original reason they pulled him over. It sounds like he shouldn't be on the road at all.

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I think you should be alowed to not wear a seat belt if you dont want to. It would be dangerous not to, but i've never understood why its a crime.


In a high speed impact a small child and sometime a full grown adult becomes a projectile and can cause fatal injuries to themselves or others....pretty simple to pull it around you, listen for the click and stand a higher chance of living through a crash and not killing yourself or someone else.

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The OP is very misleading. Police did not smash the windows etc because he wasn't wearing his seatbelt, that is false. He was stopped for not wearing a seatbelt and the motorist driven off whilst they were issueing the fixed penalty notice, so at that point the incident entered into a pursuit. Thanks to the silly old duffer not stopping, now two cops are under investigation.

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17 minute chase. Stinger deployed. I really can't imagine that the coppers weren't without blues and twos.


70 year old or no, if he's that much of a halfwit then I have no sympathy for him ...... The man's an unobservant tit.


The OP is very misleading.


Usually when the authorities are concerned :roll:

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I think the police had every right to do that. He drove off after they had pulled him over and then didn't pull over even though they followed him for 17 minutes! It has nothing to do with the original reason they pulled him over. It sounds like he shouldn't be on the road at all.
an easier option would have been to follow him home or meet him there,having had a few strokes i am medically banned from driving myself as its unsafe really,perhaps the old lad shouldnt be on the road if he gets to confused as to why the police were following him but the police seemed to be over the top when it came to stopping him ,he must have been in a state of panic when the windows went through,anything could have happened ,suppose in his panic he decided to try to escape ? a large vehicle with a driver thats confused racing off would be far more dangerous to the public than a driver not wearing a seat belt
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