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Crowley's dead -anyone seen them


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I saw them at the classic rock bar, but not heard about them since it shut. I thought they were tight and very good at what they did, but nothing spectacular and not really my cup of tea (name gives that away). But they clearly enjoyed playing and that's what its all about at the end of the day I suppose.

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just heard they went down a bomb at their gig in Leeds last night. I will be at Casbar tonite to see them (they now have live acts friday) Everyone get down and see best unsigned band in area.Dont be too late tho' as bands may be on from 8.30pm onwards

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Sh*t me! If anyone actually knows the lads can you tell them Penfold/Dave says 'hello'. Used to live in Sheff a while and attended a few of their early gigs, good to hear they're still about and gutted I missed them in Leeds (only just read this thread which has spurred me on to post for the first time in nigh on a millenia).


If any of the lads read this get in touch/PM me or summat, wouldn't mind catching up and coming along to a gig or two again.


Any chance of a list of future gigs?!

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