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School duplicating machines...

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I'm trying to get hold of one of those old hand-cranked duplicators (bander machines?) we used at school in the 70s and 80s, before photocopiers. You put ink in (usually purple) and hand-cranked it, and could make copies of documents.


Anyone remember what they were called and whether you can still get them?

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My mum's voluntary help centre used a Gestetner machine for all sorts of stuff to avoid photocopying costs and before they could afford a computer right up until about 8 years ago. Making the master copy needs a manual typewriter and someone who is confident enough not to make typing errors, which is pretty rare these days in the world of the backspace key.

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I thought they used nasty chemicals that have since been banned.


No chemicals are "banned" but some may be hard to get hold of. If I remember rightly the 'spirit' was mostly methanol, so methylated spirits would probably do the job OK.

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