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Can i report a very annoying neighbour and her kid??

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I love all these posts, so funny, made me giggle. Some really crazy people out there! I like the idea of booby traps best, how about using this idea combined with the loose savage dog - put the dog in the hole, cover with leaves........ you see where this is going.

I am of course joking :)


and of course do not forget to leave the hosepipe running into the hole!!

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Why don't you see the dad and tell him that you are sick of hearing swearing from his kids all day and would he mind sorting it out, you never know they may not realise it is bugging their neighbours.


Hi Mafya, thanks for the sensible suggestion but unfortunately its not the children swearing its the parents!, The mother is the worst offender for it, I heard her yesterday evening telling someone she was sick of the eldest child and its a little b*****d, So theres no hope for the kids with parents like that :roll:

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Trespass is not a criminal offence, so if you use force in order to eject a trespasser, you are liable to be arrested for assault.


Oh cool. I'm going to go trespassing in the grounds of Buckingham palace; it's ok though, they can't use force to eject me (and if they try, I will have them arrested)...

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When you say the little girl stares at you, I've found that many, many, kids simply don't understand that what they're doing is considered rude, since they've never been taught basic manners and common courtesy. It sounds like the parent(s) are the problem, which is unfortunate because at this rate, they're not allowing their kids to have a life that's any better than theirs.


We had a similar problem with the kids across the street. When my daughter had friends over for dinner or just to visit, they would literally stand outside and gawk as everyone was arriving. You could tell the parents were curious as well, but they at least had the sense to pretend they were doing yard work. :hihi:


I know this must be frustrating, but perhaps gently reminding her that it's rude to stare, and can I help you with something dear? Might make her at least stop and think. You'd be amazed at how often over the top politeness can disarm even the rudest lout. Especially if you use a soft tone of voice. My grandmother was a master at this. As well, a quiet tone of voice can often be more threatening than screaming profanities like a banshee. Which you'd think your neighbor would have found out by now. :rolleyes:


Anyway, give it a try and let us know how it goes. :thumbsup:

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