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Anyone lost their job recently

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I've seen far too many Labour govt's screw up the economy, only to have the Conservatives set it back on it's feet again.


Everything then looks good, economy going fine, everying rosy and Labour whining they want a go and how unequal it all is (despite the poor still being better off under the Conservatives than they were under Labour).


But Labour whine and pule and grizzle and then they get a go and it crashes spectacularly.


It's called boom and bust. It's a fact of life that Labour are curiously blind to. That's why we are in the crap yet again, because they assumed it would always go up, and failed to make the necessary savings in the good years, to see you through the bad years.

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What nobody seems to realise is that all the jobs created by Labour were because they were printing money. Germany in the 1920s had a zero unemployment rate, yet people could hardly afford to feed themselves...that's what happens when you get into a huge hole of debt.


I've been working over 10 years now and have much better qualifications than when I first started. However, the purchasing power of the pound in my pocket today is less than is was when I first started work, so in reality, whilst my salary has doubled in nominal terms, in real terms I'm no better off. Everything I can think of, houses, food, petrol, cinema tickets etc, costs at least twice as much as it did 10 years ago. Only thing that has gone down in price are electronic goods, but I can survive without these.


My wife works for the NHS, and is desperate for another job. Why? Because she's doing about 2 hrs per day of useful work and getting paid for 8. Is this an efficient use of taxes? NO! She's bored and it doesn't help her career. Many people she works with (administration) and sitting about doing nothing all day. If you think this is a good state for the UK to be in, by all means, lets have another 10 years of Labour money printing and waste!

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They are out there.....





Spring personnel agency work, not that there is anything wrong with working for an agency





New football stadium to create 130 jobs - How many are “pocket” money for a few hours on a Saturday afternoon

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