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Anyone lost their job recently

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I used to do 12hr shifts 4 on 4 off which sounds great but you have to remember that while doing the 4 on all you do is work and sleep and the first day off you are zombified, then you get 3 days off which is still good I suppose.


I work continentals on 12 hrs. First one after your 'run' you are knackered. Nice with the time off though. Wouldn't want to go back to 9-5, sat in rush hour traffic & feeling part of the rat-race. Lot to be said with jobs working with your hands, although all the time they are becoming less labour intensive.....mores the pitty!

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I work continentals on 12 hrs. First one after your 'run' you are knackered. Nice with the time off though. Wouldn't want to go back to 9-5, sat in rush hour traffic & feeling part of the rat-race. Lot to be said with jobs working with your hands, although all the time they are becoming less labour intensive.....mores the pitty!


Having worked just about every rota system known to man I think its fair to say they all have their pro’s and con’s, at the moment I am enjoying sleeping at night rather than napping in the day and having weekends off is still a novelty to me.


Never say never and all that but I can’t see me going back to a 24/7 shift based rota.

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Having worked just about every rota system known to man I think its fair to say they all have their pro’s and con’s, at the moment I am enjoying sleeping at night rather than napping in the day and having weekends off is still a novelty to me.


Never say never and all that but I can’t see me going back to a 24/7 shift based rota.


Yep have to work some weekends but don't mind it. Less gaffers & more graft which suits me fine!

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I used to do 12hr shifts 4 on 4 off which sounds great but you have to remember that while doing the 4 on all you do is work and sleep and the first day off you are zombified, then you get 3 days off which is still good I suppose.


I used to do seven 12 hour night shifts and then I had a week off afterwards. It was horrible, on my week off I was so run down I was always coming down with all sorts of infections, colds and stomach bugs.

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I used to do seven 12 hour night shifts and then I had a week off afterwards. It was horrible, on my week off I was so run down I was always coming down with all sorts of infections, colds and stomach bugs.


I wouldn't find that hard to believe! Wasn't NHS by any chance?

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It just seems to me to be a sodding disgrace.


The North/South divide still prevails, sadly. :(


The situation is much the same in the South.


As for the OP, the reason the council has no jobs is because the public sector has a recruitment freeze active. They aren't allowed to recruit externally into any posts at all unless they are an 'essential front-line service'. Ergo nothing, at the moment.

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I wouldn't find that hard to believe! Wasn't NHS by any chance?


I can well believe it.


If you work during the night, or in the graveyard shift, as it is commonly known, there are certain health effects that you might have to deal with. Working in shifts can jeopardize your body and brain, both. Read on to find out the night shift health effects.



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Well done you! That's the sort of spirit we need in this country. How do you get on with the hours crammed in to not many days? Gives you loads of spare time & you don't always find yourself doing the weekly shop with the masses (which is nice), but i bet after the last shift you are knackered for your first rest day?


the first week i worked i did long hours, 4 days straight, started off first day with a 17 hour shift, and finished the working week on a 15 hour shift (all at night).... safe to say i was depressed and physically knackered and my job is in security, i dont do any lifting or anything, just the mental power required to stay focused and awake.


the second shift i did was a 12 hour one, and i could not adjust to the nights so had not slept in a few days, i was seeing things in the darkness, it was pretty scary.



i will be back on nights next weekend (and then nights every weekend from now on), to be honest i am not looking forward to it. I want out as soon as possible. How i went from a nice 9-5 IT job in a warm office to a cold building site cabin at night i will never know.

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Having worked just about every rota system known to man I think its fair to say they all have their pro’s and con’s, at the moment I am enjoying sleeping at night rather than napping in the day and having weekends off is still a novelty to me.


Never say never and all that but I can’t see me going back to a 24/7 shift based rota.


i agree...


i would KILL literally kill for a 9-5 day time job right now, doing anything! i would kkill for it. nights are horrible

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