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John Pilger: Tony Blair must be prosecuted

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What makes you say that?


Some of his best work was in the later period, his work on East Timor in particular. I also think the award winning War on Democracy a couple of years ago is one of the most important films he has done.

What makes him say that ? because playing him down and making out this bloke is now some kind of nutter is like saying don't listen to him, Blair's alright ;)

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im no lover of the useless Labour party , but Saddam had to go , he was becoming a pain .


Although i do believe Blair should be hung for being a member of the Labour party , what was done in Iraq was correct.


its just a shame we didnt pop over the border and get rid of that lunatic in Iran as well.

You can't pick and choose who should stay in power and who should not. Who are we to dictate that ? we are no better than them lot if we think we have the God given right to storm any state we want. Its strange how no one has the stomach to go after Mugabi though isn't it ?

Whats Iran done to anyone in the west or more to the point here ? Oh yeh, they haven't kissed our regal arses and given us sole rights to the black stuff under the ground, how dare they !

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Unfortunately a lot of people are just unwilling to admit they ever were hoodwinked by Blair over the 45 minutes/WMD fairy story.


Anyone who watches the news and actually listens knew it was a whitewash.


From the information that has since surfaced, I believe Gilligan was right, the case for war was sexed up. An unforgivable crime.

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Anyone who watches the news and actually listens knew it was a whitewash.


From the information that has since surfaced, I believe Gilligan was right, the case for war was sexed up. An unforgivable crime.


It shouldn't have been the BBC boses that quit after that scandal broke, it should have been the govt that went :rant:


Have you noticed how, ever since then, the BBC never say anything bad about the Govt?




Where they afraid the Govt would abolish the licence fee?



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its just a shame we didnt pop over the border and get rid of that lunatic in Iran as well.


Iran is a totaly different kettle of fish to Iraq. Iran is a formidable military machine. America and ourselfs would defeat Iran in a war of course but it would be messy.

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Iran is a totaly different kettle of fish to Iraq. Iran is a formidable military machine. America and ourselfs would defeat Iran in a war of course but it would be messy.


EH? I think you may find we'd win the 'battles' but not the 'war'! (as we have in Iraq & Afganistan)

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Since this seems to be a Pilger love in....


you can watch his award winning documentary about the way the US has undermined democracy and supported and funded brutal repression in its backyard for the last 50 years here:




Blair is really a side issue to understanding the way the West and the US Empire works.


The issue is wider than one person.... Thatcher had no objections to these policies, she was friends with the butcher Pinochet who seized power on September the 11th 1973 and who tortured and killed the 1,000s of people he rounded up that he thought might be an opposition.


A poem by Victor Jara, smuggled out of the stadium where he and 5,000 other were tortured and finally killed by Thatcher's friend:


There are five thousand of us here

in this small part of the city.

We are five thousand.

I wonder how many we are in all

in the cities and in the whole country?

Here alone

are ten thousand hands which plant seeds

and make the factories run.

How much humanity

exposed to hunger, cold, panic, pain,

moral pressure, terror and insanity?

Six of us were lost

as if into starry space.

One dead, another beaten as I could never have believed

a human being could be beaten.

The other four wanted to end their terror

one jumping into nothingness,

another beating his head against a wall,

but all with the fixed stare of death.

What horror the face of fascism creates!

They carry out their plans with knife-like precision.

Nothing matters to them.

To them, blood equals medals,

slaughter is an act of heroism.

Oh God, is this the world that you created,

for this your seven days of wonder and work?

Within these four walls only a number exists

which does not progress,

which slowly will wish more and more for death.

But suddenly my conscience awakes

and I see that this tide has no heartbeat,

only the pulse of machines

and the military showing their midwives' faces

full of sweetness.

Let Mexico, Cuba and the world

cry out against this atrocity!

We are ten thousand hands

which can produce nothing.

How many of us in the whole country?

The blood of our President, our compañero,

will strike with more strength than bombs and machine guns!

So will our fist strike again!


How hard it is to sing

when I must sing of horror.

Horror which I am living,

horror which I am dying.

To see myself among so much

and so many moments of infinity

in which silence and screams

are the end of my song.

What I see, I have never seen

What I have felt and what I feel

Will give birth to the moment


He was killed 2 days later.


If you can stand to watch it, you can see Sister Dianna Ortiz's description of what happened to her in Guatamala in 1989.





Iraq isn't a one off. Blair was wrong on the Iraq war, but in terms of the wider picture, the injustice and fundamentally anti-democratic and brutal nature of western foreign policy Iraq is just one in a long line of similar events. We would do well to remember this and in condemning Blair remember that if we seek to do so without hypocrisy there are much wider issues to be considered.

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