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Toby Foster and Harrow Halal meat

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The fact is, The Daily Star once again printed a daft headline, that wasn't true. That was all.

The Daily Star did indeed print a daft headline, which, as far as I can see, is probably the reason why it has only been mentioned by people defending Harrow Council on this thread.


The OP does not mention the word 'force' but it does ask questions that deserve discussion.


Having trawled around I think I like this from The Times yesterday, sub-titled 'Secular schools should not be limited to halal meat' and includes:


"The line between the tolerant accommodation of minorities and the imposition of their values on the majority is a fine one, but some things fall unequivocally on the wrong side of it. [...] Britain is a pluralist nation. While those within it are free to place any dietary restraint on themselves that they desire, it is incumbent on neither the State nor the rest of the population to twist and reshape in order to accommodate them. Some non-Muslims object to the methods of slaughter required for halal meat. Why should the preference of one group be favoured?"


That put's it beautifully for me, it could have been written by Thomas Paine himself.

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What sort of special treatment do Christians get?


I'm wondering same :/


Fair point. I will accept that one and explain why I used Christianity in my post.

I do accept that Christianity in our society (ie not the crazy bible belt of the USA) is more liberal and more tolerant than it has been previously throughout history...(Crusades, Inquisition etc). I guess that my reason for including Christianity in the post is due to the ongoing fear of isolating and criticising Islam in particular and then being told I am an Islamophobe, hence include Judaism and Christianity. Political correctness for all of its positives can still serve as a form of control ie it can dictate peoples discourse and prevent people from approaching certain subjects due to fear of being labelled.


I will state though that I am no fan of religion full stop, I do recognise peoples choice to worship and have faith and I have no issue with that whatsoever. What I do have issue with is when someones faith (which to me is simply an ideology anyway, with some good elements and some limitations) impeeds on my life or those of us who dont recognise it as believers do.


I really do hope people understand where I am coming from here with this post and that I dont end up quoted to death and then told I am some bigot, racist or islamophobe. My point is that Islam, Christianity, Judaism are not above critique and should never be. Freedom of speech is a far more important consideration to me than religion. Of course, how we go about exercising this freedom is up to the individual, some will use it in an offensive way, with an agenda. Others will use it in a respectful way as a source of discussion, I hope I am one of the later. Some will respond to it with an open mind whereas some will seek to be offended.

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No English child should be forcefed muslim food. End of chat.


If muslims what islamist food for their children then move to muslim countries.


Halal food is cruel and sadistic, it should be banned and no public body should purchase it.

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No English child should be forcefed muslim food. End of chat.


If muslims what islamist food for their children then move to muslim countries.


Halal food is cruel and sadistic, it should be banned and no public body should purchase it.

I agree no English child should be forced to eat Muslim food not even when the English child loves to eat Muslim food I believe they should be denied it. Muslim food is for Muslims why should the rest scoff our grub what's the world coming to get your own!!!:rant:...........................:D

As for moving buddy there are enough Muslims in Muslim countries so they don't need any more, I'd rather be where there are not many Muslims you see it facilitates the world takeover easier. You knew that anyway didn't you?;) They are coming for you, they are taking over!!.... muhahahahahahha!!!!!:hihi:

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No English child should be forcefed muslim food. End of chat.


If muslims what islamist food for their children then move to muslim countries.


Halal food is cruel and sadistic, it should be banned and no public body should purchase it.




Fancy a chicken tikka masala? by the way this is a muslim country or will be soon! I've already renamed it Englastan! :hihi:

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No English child should be forcefed muslim food. End of chat.


If muslims what islamist food for their children then move to muslim countries.


Halal food is cruel and sadistic, it should be banned and no public body should purchase it.


See, thats just an insane thing to say:loopy:

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See, thats just an insane thing to say:loopy:


Why is that insane when your stated opinion is this : -


What I do have issue with is when someones faith.....impeeds on my life or those of us who dont recognise it as believers do.


You don't like other people inflicting their opinion on you do you, and you complain about it, but you call someone insane when they do the same as you!

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Halal food is cruel and sadistic, it should be banned and no public body should purchase it.
Why is the halal food that public bodies purchase any more 'cruel and sadistic' than any other kind of meat they buy?
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Why is the halal food that public bodies purchase any more 'cruel and sadistic' than any other kind of meat they buy?


If you say halal meat is slaughtered in the English way then it is not halal is it.


I will only believe what you say when religious Muslims shop at English butchers, when the RSPCA withdraw their objections, and when the abattoirs are not divided between English methods of slaughter and Muslim methods of slaughter.



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If you say halal meat is slaughtered in the English way then it is not halal is it.
I think the more succinct test is whether Muslims eat 'halal' meat, slaughtered in the 'English way'-it appears to be acceptable to Muslim children who attend Sheffield schools, and Muslim housewives who purchase it from most major supermarkets.

I will only believe what you say when religious Muslims shop at English butchers and when the RSPCA withdraw their objections.

That's fine, you're not required to eat it any more than I am.
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