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Toby Foster and Harrow Halal meat

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But what happens if or when pork is removed from the menu?


Well that would be interfering with food choices, so I would be against it-I said earlier if this was about a religious group forcing the majority to eat fish for example, then I'd be totally against it.


But we should cross that bridge if we ever arrive at it.

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I think there are plenty of people who, had they known that, would have objected at the time, mainly because eating meat that's been religiously blessed is simply weird. In the same way that many muslims would object if meat thought to be halal turned out not to be. The meat is the same in both cases, but unacceptable. Shouldn't we equally respect people's right to not eat religiously tainted meat, even if it's because they believe a lot of gibbering nonsense?
Perhaps so, personally it doesn't bother me, but it may well offend some people, however I cant see the great British public being turned off their weekend curry because of the gibbering nonsense mallarkey, but your line of reasoning is far more compelling than others so far who simply have an anti Islamic agenda but are dressing it up as an animal welfare issue.


Perhaps it's worth simply economising and labelling it halal wherever it comes from - because as you point out, no-one will be any the wiser.

Meat is already labelled and certified, so the customer maintains the choice, I guess it wouldn't be beyond reason to do the same with restaurant menus.
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An animal killed accidentally by stunning still goes through the slaughter ritual of being hung and having it's throat cut in order to drain the blood, but it's not as effective as when it's done on a live specimen.


The fact remains you can't actually slaughter a dead animal. You can butcher it, but not slaughter it.


This emphasis on when the consciousness of the animal actually winks out when you kill it pretty deviant in my opinion.


But on a practical level, as I said earlier, if it means we can all eat from the same pot, let's call it halal, kosher, pastafarian whatever.


No-one will be able to tell the difference.


In fact, we could have cadres of rabbis imams and other relevant religious reps at all slaughterhouses, perhaps using some form of telepresence to reduce overheads.

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Sorry, I'm not reading through 12 pages and sifting through the useless, uneducated comments to find the informative ones, but....


Does anyone know where this actually comes from? Does it say in the Torah, Koran, that animals can't be pre-stunned? I find it unlikely...

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Sorry, I'm not reading through 12 pages and sifting through the useless, uneducated comments to find the informative ones, but....


Does anyone know where this actually comes from? Does it say in the Torah, Koran, that animals can't be pre-stunned? I find it unlikely...


it says they must be completly bleed, if the animal is killed before its throut is slit it would bleed as well as the heart wont be pumping the blood straight out of the main arterys

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Yes I do understand the debate and can also understand your side of it, that was never an issue since I first came accross the thread. Where I was confused is the post you used to respond to one of mine where you said "So says he. He he" I still have no idea what that meant or referred to, that was why I kept saying I cant understand you or what it meant. Truth be told, Im still unsure as you havent really responded to that?


I was responding to what you said below and saying "So says he" seems a reasonable way of saying you are wrong. The "he he" at the end was to make up the required number of characters. Then in my next post I explained why you were wrong.


Too true!!

The crazy thing is, this whole debate/discussion/argument is all a result of religion, tradition and myth, its absolutely bannanas when you think about it.


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The fact remains you can't actually slaughter a dead animal. You can butcher it, but not slaughter it.
Ok that's fine, I didn't really want to engage you on semantics, I subsequently clarified what I meant without any rancour.

This emphasis on when the consciousness of the animal actually winks out when you kill it pretty deviant in my opinion.

Well that's how conventional livestock is slaughtered in this country, it isn't intended that death is achieved by stunning, it's the throat slitting of a live animal that's important.


In fact, we could have cadres of rabbis imams and other relevant religious reps at all slaughterhouses, perhaps using some form of telepresence to reduce overheads.


..that might be a distinct possibility in this utilitarian world, although it raises the question of whether a Muslim would eat meat that had been blessed by rabbi as well as an imam (or equivalents) I could foresee some interesting encounters in slaughterhouses.

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Well that would be interfering with food choices, so I would be against it-I said earlier if this was about a religious group forcing the majority to eat fish for example, then I'd be totally against it.


But we should cross that bridge if we ever arrive at it.


But we've already arrived at that stage - KFC removing the bacon from one of their sandwiches.

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But we've already arrived at that stage - KFC removing the bacon from one of their sandwiches.


That's a commercial decision for KFC, they're not providing a schools meal service, personally I was surprised when they broadened their menu beyond chicken in the first place!


Besides, there's no shortage of places to go for a bacon sandwich, most sandwich shops sell them.

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