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Toby Foster and Harrow Halal meat

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But you must not consume the blood. You must pour it out on the ground like water.


But never consume the blood, for the blood is the life, and you must not consume the lifeblood with the meat.


Hello English.


I reckon our method of slaughter is the best. From what I can gather the animal dies instantly the moment it is stunned.


Then the head is removed from the dead animal and it is hung to allow the blood to drain away. So, no blood.


See what you think



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Hello English.


I reckon our method of slaughter is the best. From what I can gather the animal dies instantly the moment it is stunned.


Then the head is removed from the dead animal and it is hung to allow the blood to drain away. So, no blood.


That's interesting, as far as the RSPCA are concerned, the animal should still be alive when using the captive bolt method of stunning and then it's bled to death:



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That load of old todge is where islamics get their info?


The bible is about as believable as a vegitarian texan. You might as well get you info from the koran.


Get with reality mate and stop pretending fairy stories are real.


How is BSE transmitted?

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That's interesting, as far as the RSPCA are concerned, the animal should still be alive when using the captive bolt method of stunning and then it's bled to death:





I reckon once a bolt enters an animals brain it dies instantly. (Just my view.)


If not, then it will be brain dead.


Either way the blood is drained out there and then.

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I reckon once a bolt enters an animals brain it dies instantly. (Just my view.)


If not, then it will be brain dead.

I guess that is probably the case, but the RSPCA state clearly that this method of stunning is not intended to kill the animal, and frankly how having a bolt fired into your brain can be described as humane is beyond me, compared to other methods of stunning.


Either way the blood is drained out there and then.


I think once a pre stunned animal designated for halal meat is incapacitated (usually by electrodes) it is pretty much slaughtered straight away.

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Or slavery. Or genocide.


Without those things, we would be somewhere entirely different, all of us.


Having been an integral part of human history does not mean we cannot and should not leave it far behind us, a skeleton in our collective historical closet.


Gods serve their purpose, indisputably.


But we don't feel "we are able to know better", we actually do know better.


We now know why pork and nice warm climates aren't a good mix, and it's not because the meat is spiritually unclean, is it?


i.e. We have refrigerators, which are much more useful than gods.As gods no longer intervene in the world,whereas refrigerators clearly do, and in large part to our great, great benefit.


Of course there's no evidence to indicate gods interevened in antiquity, but that is notoriously hard to prove either way. We can say that what we know as a refrigerator today certainly didn't intervene in antiquity.


Fridges are human constructions, and are used to keep pork safe. This effect is most pronounced in areas with mains electricity. Gods are human constructs, and are used to control behaviour. This effect is most pronounced in poorly educated people.


What has been missed amid all the hype about blood transfusions is that the complete verse says not to eat blood but to put it on the ground. One of the best fertilisers is blood.


I think modern man and particularly Jehovah Witness have misunderstood.

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My first job on leaving Uni was with a large poultry processing company. I can confirm that there was no difference in the way that live chickens were slaughtered and turned into chicken drumsticks, whether Halal or not. The only difference with Halal was that we had to pay a bloke to utter some gibberish, and then pay some other blokes to give us a certificate to prove that the gibberish was uttered.


That was some time ago, but I doubt things have changed much except the demand for Halal has increased so the company is probably employing a handful of gibberish utterers.


Even if I knew that Halal meat products were no different, as with the chicken from the factory where I used to work, I would still choose not to buy it. I'm an atheist, I have every reason to object to the idea of supporting one man's gibberish over another, and pay a slight premium for the pleasure? More to the point, I object to the state promoting one man's gibberish over another, and paying a slight premium for the pleasure?


Anybody is free to place whatever dietary restraint on themselves that they want, but it is incumbent them alone to accommodate them. I believe the state should remain neutral on matters of religion, and by only providing kosher or halal, it is being sectarian.


Then we come to the aspect of animal cruelty. Eating meat is cruel, but that doesn't mean to say that we cannot do our utmost to insure that there is less rather than more cruelty (my wife buys all our meat from The Real Meat Company at Banner Cross because of the high welfare standards employed). No one here has defended the methods of religious slaughter where no stunning is used, but there is still something alarming about defending methods where the practitioners are more fearful that an animal may be killed by stunning, rather than arriving fully conscious at the point of slaughter. I can almost imagine a scenario back at the poultry factory, where gibberish man keeps sneaking the stun voltage down whilst the welfare officer isn't looking, and vice versa. :(

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''Jason Bourne said


After all, he's hardly going to be promoting a positive view of Muslims is he?

The funny thing is, the Halal and Kosher slaughter methods are so similar, if one method was banned, the other would be too.


But the Jews are far too influential for that to ever happen.'





I can't believe the massed ranks of anti-racists/anti-islamaphobes, etc who seem to scour SF for any sign of deviance haven't picked up on that one


I will spell it out JB has made a blatantly anti-semitic comment more likely to be on S***M****T and yet Boy Friday and others let it go by,


I'm sure it was by accident though and not by design....

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My first job on leaving Uni was with a large poultry processing company. I can confirm that there was no difference in the way that live chickens were slaughtered and turned into chicken drumsticks, whether Halal or not. The only difference with Halal was that we had to pay a bloke to utter some gibberish, and then pay some other blokes to give us a certificate to prove that the gibberish was uttered.


I guess that's pretty much the case quisquose, and although I'm still not bothered about eating halal meat, I think the objections of people who don't want to eat meat that has been involved in some religious preparation should very much be taken into account.


This reminds me of the story not so long ago of the Christian nurse who prayed over her patients without asking them and got into trouble for it, although it wouldn't bother me, I can fully understand why others would be upset about it..the OP has similar overtones.

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