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Toby Foster and Harrow Halal meat

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I think you're struggling with following the discussion Grahame and the article I linked to.


It was giving examples of all the various methods of stunning and reasons why they might not be used for halal meat.


The acid test is that stunning doesn't have the capacity to kill the animal-in other words, when tested stunned animals would recover without any ill effects (return to the field)-that could hardly be the case with a bolt through the head could it?


So they use the appliance developed by the Uni of Bristol, which stuns the beast sufficiently to incapacitate it, but not enough to kill it..it's then hung and bled like any other livestock, after having the religious nonsense chanted over it.


I think he's struggling, full stop.

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Of course you are right when you say that as far as your concerned its about the rights of living creatures. But clearly the rights of living creatures your concerned with are as a result of how they are slaughtered, and in this case the thread cleraly states its about Halal meat and the slaughtering proccess associated with it, Halal being a religious practice. Therefore, my original post that this whole discussion is underpinned by religious practices still stands.


I really do struggle to understand where your coming from sometimes Grahame :(


As long as you make it clear that bleeding animals to death over several minutes is ISLAMIC religious practise.

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As long as you make it clear that bleeding animals to death over several minutes is ISLAMIC religious practise.


..it's not just Islamic practise-it's standard practise, even with the captive bolt method of pre-stunning, according to the RSPCA.



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I think you're struggling with following the discussion Grahame and the article I linked to.


It was giving examples of all the various methods of stunning and reasons why they might not be used for halal meat.


The acid test is that stunning doesn't have the capacity to kill the animal-in other words, when tested stunned animals would recover without any ill effects (return to the field)-that could hardly be the case with a bolt through the head could it?


So they use the appliance developed by the Uni of Bristol, which stuns the beast sufficiently to incapacitate it, but not enough to kill it..it's then hung and bled like any other livestock, after having the religious nonsense chanted over it.


Precisely. They do not pre-stun which means it is not halal. Then they slit the animals throat and let it bleed to death leaving its spinal chord and brain intact so it feels all the pain.


You are making me feel sicker and sicker with your window dressing excuses.

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Precisely. They do not pre-stun which means it is not halal. Then they slit the animals throat and let it bleed to death leaving its spinal chord and brain intact so it feels all the pain.


You are making me feel sicker and sicker with your window dressing excuses.


Oddly enough, thank God, it's not you who gets to decide whether something is halal or not.



How do you prefer your livestock to be killed Grahame?

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why do you care about halal meat in Harrow unless of course you live in Harrow.


This is Sheffield Forum so I'm guessing most posters on here don't live in Harrow and more than half have probably never set foot in the place.


Sheffield are apparently doing the same.

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