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Toby Foster and Harrow Halal meat

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You are sounding very prejudiced, much like a Muslim.


and you are sounding very much like someone who hasn't got a clue about the laws regarding exactly how an animal is to be killed under Halal, despite many obvious pointers and links to the information.

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Halal should be banned, as it is even more cruel than the non-halal method of slaughtering animals. But if you eat meat, then I think it is hypocritical to condemn halal. There is no method of slaughtering that does not cause suffering and stress to animals.

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..at least it don't promise you a life with a colostomy bag like that over processed American crap :hihi:




give me indian food over greasy american influenced fast food any day


and poppins all food smells well other than the plastic chemical skank food!


its called herb's and spicies :D

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There is a list here of certified suppliers of halal meat.



KFC are not on.


Islam does NOT allow pre-stunning.


When are you going to stop it.


your link shows infomation last updated 4 years ago, the date is at the bottom of the link, kfc using halal is a new thing hense not included on 4 year old infomation.

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your link shows infomation last updated 4 years ago, the date is at the bottom of the link, kfc using halal is a new thing hense not included on 4 year old infomation.


Stunning is NOT allowed. To be true halal meat it CANNOT be pre-stunned. The whole idea is that the brain and nervous system are fully functional. This means MAXIMUM PAIN and SUFFERING to the animal.


4. Do not harm the animal

It is Haram to harm the animal before slaughter using methods such as stunning, striking it or giving it an electric shock.


Jabir ibn Abdullah (ra) said: “The Messenger (saw) forbade tormenting any kind of animal to death” [sahih Muslim]




In the west it has become common practice for the slaughtering houses to stun the animal first before slaughtering with a knife. There are many types of stunning techniques used today such as,


1.) The captive bolt pistol (used for cows/cattle)

2.) Electric stunning (used for sheep)

3.) Electrified water bath (used for poultry)

4.) Carbon dioxide (co2) gas (used for pigs)


The basic assumption being that by stunning the animal prior to cutting the throat it is less painful. This has been disproved by recent scientific finding, yet the practice continues.


Stunning is not allowed as an Islamic method of slaughtering as it causes harm the animal as well restricts spilling of the blood from the animal once the blade is applied to it blood vessels.


The Islamic method of slaughtering does not touch the nervous system at all; rather it allows the brain to function and thereby keeps the heart working expelling as much blood as possible.







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Stunning is NOT allowed. To be true halal meat it CANNOT be pre-stunned. The whole idea is that the brain and nervous system are fully functional. This means MAXIMUM PAIN and SUFFERING to the animal.


4. Do not harm the animal

It is Haram to harm the animal before slaughter using methods such as stunning, striking it or giving it an electric shock.


Jabir ibn Abdullah (ra) said: “The Messenger (saw) forbade tormenting any kind of animal to death” [sahih Muslim]




In the west it has become common practice for the slaughtering houses to stun the animal first before slaughtering with a knife. There are many types of stunning techniques used today such as,


1.) The captive bolt pistol (used for cows/cattle)

2.) Electric stunning (used for sheep)

3.) Electrified water bath (used for poultry)

4.) Carbon dioxide (co2) gas (used for pigs)


The basic assumption being that by stunning the animal prior to cutting the throat it is less painful. This has been disproved by recent scientific finding, yet the practice continues.


Stunning is not allowed as an Islamic method of slaughtering as it causes harm the animal as well restricts spilling of the blood from the animal once the blade is applied to it blood vessels.


The Islamic method of slaughtering does not touch the nervous system at all; rather it allows the brain to function and thereby keeps the heart working expelling as much blood as possible.









Grahame, simple question-do all Christians in the UK believe the same thing?


Yes there are many Muslims who don't believe it's right to pre-stun, just as there are some Christians who believe it's wrong to consume the blood in flesh (Jehovah's Witnesses). I also suspect the information you've quoted above doesn't originate from UK sources


The fact is most Western Muslims are happy to eat pre-stunned halal meat, if they weren't there'd be no market for it and KFC wouldn't have bothered with their trial and lots of halal meat would go uneaten in schools.


You previously posted links to the Halal Monitoring Committee. They're an organisation involved in food certification in the UK who take a hardline about pre-stunning, another the Halal Food Authority believe it is permissible and thankfully they're responsible for certificating 95% of the halal meat that's provided to the schools meals service and we're talking about halal meat in schools in this thread.

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Stunning is NOT allowed. To be true halal meat it CANNOT be pre-stunned. The whole idea is that the brain and nervous system are fully functional. This means MAXIMUM PAIN and SUFFERING to the animal.


4. Do not harm the animal

It is Haram to harm the animal before slaughter using methods such as stunning, striking it or giving it an electric shock.


Jabir ibn Abdullah (ra) said: “The Messenger (saw) forbade tormenting any kind of animal to death” [sahih Muslim]



With the greatest respect, please come and spout this rubbish when you actually know what you're talking about, grahame. You are totally misrepresenting what is to happen.


The rules (laws) surrounding the slaughter of animals in Islam is designed to make the slaughter swift and as pain-free as possible, and to conform to the rules you quote that demand as little trauma be caused to the animal as possible, during the slaughter process.


The animal is not to be slaughtered in front of other animals in the herd/flock.


The animal is to be handled as gently as possible. it is to be allowed to eat and drink up to the point where it is actually separated from the herd for slaughter (which should be a matter of minutes).


The knife should be razor sharp, and an appropriate size for the animal being slaughtered.


(and here comes the non-science bit) the slaughterer then says "bismilllah" which thanks God for the animal providing the food. He (she) should also acknowledge the animal losing its life to become food.


The cutting of the throat has to be one single, swift stroke, severing both of the major blood vessels on each side of the neck, (the Carotid and the Jugular veins), which renders the animal unconscious pretty much instantaneously. (due to the drastic drop in blood-pressure).


The carcass of the animal is then hung in such a way that the blood drains from it.

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Grahame, simple question-do all Christians in the UK believe the same thing?


Yes there are many Muslims who don't believe it's right to pre-stun, just as there are some Christians who believe it's wrong to consume the blood in flesh (Jehovah's Witnesses). I also suspect the information you've quoted above doesn't originate from UK sources


The fact is most Western Muslims are happy to eat pre-stunned halal meat, if they weren't there'd be no market for it and KFC wouldn't have bothered with their trial and lots of halal meat would go uneaten in schools.


You previously posted links to the Halal Monitoring Committee. They're an organisation involved in food certification in the UK who take a hardline about pre-stunning, another the Halal Food Authority believe it is permissible and thankfully they're responsible for certificating 95% of the halal meat that's provided to the schools meals service and we're talking about halal meat in schools in this thread.


If it is pre-stunned it is not halal and if they pass it off as though it is, they are lying.


Simple as.

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If it is not pre-stunned it is not halal and if they pass it off as though it is, they are lying.


Simple as.


You try to pass yourself off as a Christian, yet you don't follow all of the rules of Christianity. So that, in effect, makes you a hypocrite.

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