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Toby Foster and Harrow Halal meat

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Personally I don't feel the need to demonstrate my disdain for a particular religion by dictating the choices they should make which have no negative outcomes for me. It's a selfish and childish outlook, why would anyone want to complain about behaviour that's important to some people, but of no consequence to them.
As I see it, it very much is of consequence to me.

It is a matter of principle. A minority group is growing rapidly and increasingly demanding that its ways are adopted in this country, I would go as far as to describe it as an invading culture.

I do not want widespread sale of Halal meat any more than I want to be subject to Sharia, but piece by piece I see the latter inevitably happening.



I bet you a million quid that most BNP members fill their faces with beer and a curry on Friday nights, most couldn't give a monkey's about animal welfare, slaughter methods or what goes into their biriani.
I have little interest in their opiniuons - they are a small and irrelevant group given too much airtime.
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As I see it, it very much is of consequence to me.

It is a matter of principle. A minority group is growing rapidly and increasingly demanding that its ways are adopted in this country, I would go as far as to describe it as an invading culture.

I do not want widespread sale of Halal meat any more than I want to be subject to Sharia, but piece by piece I see the latter inevitably happening.

Forgive me, but the minority group are demanding nothing-the businesses involved in wholesale meat slaughter have simply recognised that the halal meat market represents a lucrative source of revenue, previously untapped.


By the way, don't be drawn into believing that the majority of meat sold in the UK isn't slaughtered conventionally-brain fired with a captive bolt, then hung upside down and it's jugular vein severed-it's only a relatively small amount of meat entering the food chain that is halal. So your choices are hardly being restricted, especially if supermarkets, restaurants and butchers are forced to label meat products properly.

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So your choices are hardly being restricted, especially if supermarkets, restaurants and butchers are forced to label meat products properly.
My choices are restricted, because I have been saddened to learn that several of the big supermarkets are now buying Halal to appease their Muslim customers. For that reason, I now consider only local butchers as a source of meat which is politically acceptable to me.

If I can positively identify which supermarkets do not force Halal meat on us, I may change 30 years of supermarket loyalty on that matter alone.

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My choices are restricted, because I have been saddened to learn that several of the big supermarkets are now buying Halal to appease their Muslim customers. For that reason, I now consider only local butchers as a source of meat which is politically acceptable to me.

If I can positively identify which supermarkets do not force Halal meat on us, I may change 30 years of supermarket loyalty on that matter alone.


you still have the choice to buy non-halal meat in supermarkets, they arnt forcing you to buy halal at all infact there offering there shoppers more choice by offering halal as well as non-halal meat.

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My choices are restricted, because I have been saddened to learn that several of the big supermarkets are now buying Halal to appease their Muslim customers.
Do you mean 'appease'? You'll be suggesting next that supermarkets sell Chocolate Weetos to 'appease' children!


It's quite simple Conrod, supermarkets supply goods that their customers want to buy, they're businesses not public service organisations and the relationship exists solely so they can make money.


If there was no demand for halal meat they wouldn't sell it.


For that reason, I now consider only local butchers as a source of meat which is politically acceptable to me.

If I can positively identify which supermarkets do not force Halal meat on us, I may change 30 years of supermarket loyalty on that matter alone.

I suspect they won't be losing too much sleep at losing your custom, they will have done customer feedback testing long before starting to supply halal meat and the outcome was probably that they'd gain more customers than they'd lose..hey ho, a commercial decision is made.
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you still have the choice to buy non-halal meat in supermarkets, they arnt forcing you to buy halal at all infact there offering there shoppers more choice by offering halal as well as non-halal meat.




In fact Ive bought halal meat at the Asda in Dewsbury for no other reason than it was cheaper than conventional meat and of equal quality.

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boyfriday is misleading everyone when he says halal meat is pre-stunned.
Grahame, we've done this to death. 90% of halal meat in the UK is pre-stunned and certainly that which winds up in your local supermarket will be pre-stunned, so the meat us non Muslims eat will be of this type. Whether Muslims choose to believe it is halal or not is entirely up to them, frankly I dont care.




In order for it to be halal the animal has to be bled to death while it is still living-until dead.


Sounds awful doesn't it Grahame?


But you obviously didn't know that ALL livestock is hung upside down and bled until it's dead?


That's why they're pre-stunned in the first place-the idea isn't to kill by stunning in conventional or halal slaughter.


I guess you'll be signing up to be a vegetarian based on that revelation??

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