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Toby Foster and Harrow Halal meat

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Grahame, we've done this to death. 90% of halal meat in the UK is pre-stunned and certainly that which winds up in your local supermarket will be pre-stunned, so the meat us non Muslims eat will be of this type. Whether Muslims choose to believe it is halal or not is entirely up to them, frankly I dont care.






Sounds awful doesn't it Grahame?


But you obviously didn't know that ALL livestock is hung upside down and bled until it's dead?


That's why they're pre-stunned in the first place-the idea isn't to kill by stunning in conventional or halal slaughter.


I guess you'll be signing up to be a vegetarian based on that revelation??


The English way is to bleed the carcase.

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The English way is to bleed the carcase.


unfortunatly the carcus will not bleed unless the heart is pumping and pushing the blood through the viens, the odd carcuss passes through the line dead rather than stunned hense why you see the odd brown discoloured piece of meat on the supermarket shelfs, (its not bleed and the blood has 'gone off' as thats where the toxins were held)

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For those of you who have some rose tinted notion of how animals are conventionally slaughtered:


"Cattle slaughter


The majority of cattle are stunned with the captive bolt pistol. Penetrative captive bolt stunners drive a bolt into the skull and cause unconsciousness both through physical brain damage and the concussive blow to the skull. The bolt on a non-penetrative stunner is 'mushroom-headed' and impacts on the brain without entering the skull. Unconsciousness is caused by the concussive blow.


If an animal is not accurately stunned or the correct cartridge strength is not used, the stun will not be effective. The EU Scientific Veterinary Committee estimate that around 5 to 10% of cattle are not stunned effectively with the captive bolt - or up to 230,000 animals a year. These animals experience the pain of being shot in the head and will either be stunned again (a difficult procedure) or continue on for knifing whilst conscious.


In an attempt to improve accuracy, legislation requires that cattle are either confined in a stunning pen or have their heads 'securely fastened'. However, head restraint systems can cause great distress. The MHS says that 17% of abattoirs either do not use a restraint or use an "inefficient" restraint which can result in the stun being delivered ineffectively.


Says abattoir vet Gabriele Meurer, 'Not many animals stand still. They are all upset, some very frightened and some move violently. The animals are never given time to calm down. Sometimes the slaughterman misses, wounding the animal terribly instead of stunning it. It may happen that the second shot cannot be done immediately and the animal is suffering for quite some time.'


In addition to the stress of being in an unfamiliar environment, the electric goad can legally be used on the hindquarters of cattle and pigs if they are refusing to move forwards. This cruel device is intentionally designed to cause pain.


Worn out dairy cows may be subjected to a painful experience before they are killed. It is becoming increasingly common for novice artificial inseminators to 'practise' on cull cows in abattoirs. For welfare reasons, novice inseminators are advised to practise only on cows who will be slaughtered on that day. The message here is that this practice is considered distressing for cows - but that if they are about to be killed then this does not matter.



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That is the Halal way when the beast is bled to death. It dies slowly with a cut throat cut.


The English way is to hang the dead carcase.


Graham, for goodness sake, please go away and come back when you actually HAVE an inkling of an idea of what you are talking about.


(See JFK's response to your totally fallacious and absurd comments above)


What is it they say? There's none so blind as those who will not see, and I reckon you are trying to prove that there's also none so deaf as those who won't listen.


You have been told, time and time again what the Islamic laws are, about the halal killing of animals.


You have been told that the Islamic law says the severing of the two major blood vessels has to be done as swiftly and painlessly as possible, (with a knife of the appropriate size for the animal to be killed) honed like a razor, to cause the animal the least discomfort.


You have been told that the law says that the carotid and the jugular veins on both sides of the neck have to be severed in one pass, so as to cause a fast, massive bleed-out, and pretty much instantaneous unconsciousness for the animal.


There's no "slow" about it.

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You have been told, time and time again what the Islamic laws are, about the halal killing of animals.


You have been told that the Islamic law says the severing of the two major blood vessels has to be done as swiftly and painlessly as possible, (with a knife of the appropriate size for the animal to be killed) honed like a razor, to cause the animal the least discomfort.


You have been told that the law says that the carotid and the jugular veins on both sides of the neck have to be severed in one pass, so as to cause a fast, massive bleed-out, and pretty much instantaneous unconsciousness for the animal.


There's no "slow" about it.

Sure, fine, but what is the point?


Why follow a bit of medieval superstition when it comes to our food chain?

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Sure, fine, but what is the point?


Why follow a bit of medieval superstition when it comes to our food chain?


so how else do we slaughter animals for food?


Shooting? that's ok but you have to be a flippin' good shot... Particularly if you want to avoid a slow, painful death...


Hanging them upside down (chickens) and dipping them into an electrified bath of water (ditto about the slow and painful thing)


Slit their throat? oh, wait....

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The English way is to hang the dead carcase.


Just for you Grahame (from the RSPCA website):


"How are animals slaughtered?


The slaughter process has two stages: stunning and sticking. The law (The Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) Regulations 1995) states that all animals, except those intended for consumption by specified groups that practise religious slaughter, must be stunned prior to sticking.


Effective stunning causes an animal to lose consciousness, making it insensible to any pain until it is dead.


Sticking is a technical term used to describe the severing of the major blood vessels that supply the brain with oxygenated blood, ensuring that there is rapid blood loss and death."



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